Author and Security consultant, Jeffrey W. Bennett has recently signed a publishing contract with CRC Press. Managing the Security of Classified Information and Contracts is due to be published in August 2009. Landing a contract proved hard work, but he sold the idea with persistence and passion. “I’ve been in the security field for over 20 including my Army and corporate experience,” says Jeffrey W. Bennett. “I realized that there weren’t any commercially published books available to those protecting our nation’s secrets.
Though Federal regulations instruct defense contractors how to work on government contracts, no books have been made available at book stores, libraries or universities. That’s all about to change. “I’ve published a few books already. I wrote my last book to help security specialist study for the Industrial Security Professional Examination. I saw a need, but the market was too small for the editors, so I founded Red Bike Publishing and published it myself. Now it’s on” That didn’t stop Bennett. He had a dream of getting a contract with a royalty publisher.
“I found the publishers in a market guide and contacted the senior editor about my idea. He left a message explaining the idea was too narrow. However, they left a phone number and that was all I needed.” Over the next year, Bennett continued to contact the publisher about ideas. Finally the publisher agreed to meet him during a Security seminar in Las Vegas. “We had breakfast together and I pitched the winning idea, a book about landing and working on classified contracts. He said it sounded great and asked me to put it in writing and submit it formally.”
Not only did Jeffrey W. Bennett present and idea, but he strengthened his position. “I wrote three sample chapters, a table of contents and a layout of the remaining chapters. I also turned in a market study of the more than 100,000 federal and contractor employees.” Bennett’s market study included the more than 400 defense contractor companies and major military commands in and around Huntsville.. “This book idea will not only help Security specialists, but will also educate college students about a career in Security.” Bennett also anticipates a need from industry as increasing numbers of defense contractors are taking on classified work.
Jeffrey W. Bennett encourages those who are thinking of writing professionally to treat their writing as a business. “Demonstrate a need, conduct a market analysis, get critical feedback, network with other professionals and promote your product. Publishing companies expect professionalism.” Sure enough, though seven months from production, Bennett is already getting the word out to libraries, professional groups and during his presentations.
What’s next? Bennett is already pitching a series of yet untouched Security topics. He is also formulating an espionage thriller. “I’ve done all the background research, to all I need to do is finish the story.”
About Jeffrey W. Bennett
Captain Jeffrey W. Bennett, USA (ret.) is a “former Army officer who has been stationed around the world and has met many peoples of various customs, celebrity and influence. He speaks three languages and holds a Masters Degree in Acquisitions and Procurement Management from Webster University and is an MBA candidate with Columbia College. His experiences have involved adventure training, recruiting, world travel, diving, and flying. He has spoken on many motivational topics to major civic organizations, church groups, college and high school campuses.”
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
New York Air Guard Conducts 100th Shuttle Mission
Special to American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - Eight pararescuemen aboard "King 2," an HC-130 Hercules from the New York Air National Guard's 106th Rescue Wing, breathed a collective sigh of relief as the space shuttle Atlantis, traveling more than 3,000 miles an hour, reached orbit yesterday for NASA's final visit to refurbish and restore the Hubble Space Telescope. It was the 100th time airmen from the Long Island-based rescue wing have watched a space shuttle climb into orbit as they stood by to rescue the crew in case something went wrong.
The New York Air National Guardsmen have had this mission since December 1988, when NASA conducted the first shuttle missions after the 1986 Challenger disaster.
"Every member of the 106th Rescue Wing is proud of this mission," Air Force Col. Michael Canders, the 106th's commander, said. "Our unit has played a critical role in the exploration of space for the last 20 years, and we look forward to continuing to support this effort."
The highly trained rescue crew eagerly awaited Atlantis' lift-off here, where they remained alert and prepared to retrieve shuttle astronauts if the shuttle failed to reach orbit. If that had happened, the seven-member Atlantis crew would have used an escape hatch to bail out into the Atlantic.
While "King 2" stood ready at Patrick Air Force Base, a short distance from Kennedy Space Center, a second HC-130, "King 1," orbited the eastern seacoast, prepared to rush to the projected impact area or splash point, if necessary.
Air Guardsmen from the unit, based at Gabreski Field Air National Guard Base in Westhampton Beach, N.Y., routinely practice this contingency procedure, known as Mode 8 Egress, which is, essentially, a parachute descent to safety.
If an ejection had taken place, the shuttle crew would have been spread out roughly a mile apart, given the speed of the shuttle as the astronauts bailed out. Once the astronauts were located, the pararescuemen would deploy in two teams via parachute, along with a Zodiac inflatable boat, to retrieve the astronauts, Canders said.
"I am always grateful for the outstanding job the 106th Rescue Wing does for NASA's shuttle launches," Mike Leinbach, the NASA launch director, said. "They are a critical part of our overall launch contingency planning, and I am absolutely certain that if called on, they would perform their job in a flawless manner."
Knowing the pararescuemen are close by is important, said Air Force Col. Lee Archambault, who commanded a shuttle mission in March and flew on another in 2007.
"Because of the amount and level of egress training and rescue procedures we receive, we know we are well taken care of should we need to get out of the vehicle if the worst of the worst happens," Archambault said. "We very much appreciate the support of the 106th Rescue Wing and all the rescue personnel on station throughout the world. Without [their] support, we couldn't do what we do."
After the Challenger disaster, the shuttle was redesigned to include an escape hatch, which allows crewmembers to leave the spacecraft in an emergency. Rescue crews were then needed to locate those downed crewmembers and pluck them from the waters off Cape Canaveral. The 106th Rescue Wing volunteered for the mission, developed and validated the astronaut search and rescue procedures, and has been there for nearly every shuttle mission since, Air Force Col. Robert Landsiedel, the wing's vice commander, said.
"Although we're ready, we're relieved we don't have to rescue the astronauts," said Lt. Col. Jim Kelley, 106th navigator and King 2 mission commander, responsible for controlling the rescue package and helicopter refueling plan for this mission. "It's a mission you train for and hope you never have to execute."
(Air Force Master Sgt. Corine Lombardo serves with the New York National Guard.)
Face of Defense: Tattoos Tell Story of Soldier's Loyalties, Losses, Dreams
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - The 22-year-old soldier, dressed down in a black T-shirt and jeans on a flight to his new unit at Fort Carson, Colo., is the face of the 21,000 additional troops flowing into Afghanistan as part of the new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy. But it's his muscular arms, heavily adorned with tattoos as they cradle a portable video game system on his lap, that tell the true story of where he's been, what he's done and what he dreams for the future.
Army Cpl. "KC" – who asked to be referred to only by his initials to avoid making waves at his gaining unit – has seen a lot since heading off to Army basic training exactly one month after his high school graduation in Sacramento, Calif.
He followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, a tough-minded but "pretty cool" Marine who died just four months before KC raised his right hand and swore to defend the United States and its interests. His dad, too, is a Vietnam veteran who passed on his tradition of service to his only son.
A combat medic, KC has put his skills to the test in some pretty tough neighborhoods. He was attached to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Fallujah, Iraq, in late 2004. He deployed again -- on Aug. 29, 2007, his 20th birthday – with the 1st Infantry Division to Baghdad, just ahead of the troop surge ordered to quell violence there.
KC is matter-of-fact about his skills and slow to admit he knows he's enabled wounded troops to return home to their families. "Some people are trained to shoot mortar rounds. Some people are trained to clear houses," he said. "They just trained me to save lives, so I save lives."
When things get "hot," KC said, his training kicks in before he even knows it's happened. "It's total muscle memory," he said. "You just have to know what to do, and you do it. You stop the bleeding, clear the airway, then go on from there. ... You do the best that you can."
When he was assigned for a year at Walter Reed Army Medical Center's oncology ward – a stabilization tour because he'd spent so much of his Army time deployed – KC got a touching personal reminder of the impact of what he does.
He recognized the name of a patient he'd "worked on" in Baghdad after an enemy attack cost him an eye. The two reunited, with KC filling in many of the soldier's unanswered questions as he forged a new friendship with him and his family.
As the time for a new assignment approached, KC turned down a slot with the Hawaii-based 25th Infantry Division, knowing many of the division's soldiers were deployed to northern Iraq and that he'd likely end up joining them. Instead, he opted for the 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson.
The day before KC left for his new assignment, he got word that he'd be deploying to Afghanistan exactly one month after arriving at his new post. KC is nonchalant about the change of plans.
"I don't think it's right for anybody in the military to be completely blindsided when they're told they are going to deploy," he said, shrugging his soldiers.
KC knows he's bound for Kandahar in the increasingly violent Regional Command South area, part of the increased U.S. troop presence President Barack Obama ordered to turn the situation there around. He's seen what more troops can mean, and he speaks with certainty that they'll have the same impact in Afghanistan. "I think we will definitely make a difference," he said.
As KC shared his story, the tattoos on his arms filled in some of the gaps.
There are the two stars, one on the back of each arm. KC got them in St. Louis during his rest-and-recuperation leave from Iraq to honor his Northern California roots and the mother back in Sacramento he says he wants to make proud.
On the front of his right arm, a 1st Infantry Division crest commemorates the buddies he served with during 15 months in Baghdad.
But it's KC's left arm, where a $400, custom-designed tattoo that stretches from his clavicle to just above his elbow tells stories of loss most civilians his age would never understand. A Gothic-looking character KC said represents him looks down on seven faces, all connected by curlicues called "cancer" in tattoo parlance. "It's a thread that holds everything together," he said.
"They all represent different friends I've lost," KC said of the ghoulish faces. Not all the faces were combat losses, and not all were actually friends, but they all made deep enough an impression on KC for him to carry their memories on his arms for the rest of his days.
One represents his grandfather, who influenced his decision to enlist. Another is a sailor he didn't know, but whose combat death struck KC deeply. A third face represents Army Staff Sgt. Mike Ruoff, his friend's platoon sergeant, who was killed in Ramadi, Iraq. Another face depicts his friend Cpl. Milton Gist, a cook also killed in Ramadi.
A "kind of mysterious" face adorning KC's arm represents a sergeant major's gunner killed when an armor-piercing projectile hit his vehicle in western Iraq. KC didn't know him and didn't "work on him," but got the task of retrieving the soldier's weapons and personal gear from the crippled truck.
There's also an image of KC's friend, Sgt. Evan Cole. KC was deployed to Baghdad when he got work that Cole had been killed in Ramadi. Then, out of the clear blue, he heard from Cole on his Facebook page.
"It was kind of like hearing from a ghost," KC said. When he told Cole what he'd heard about his fate, Cole casually threw back, "I don't think I'm dead."
KC hadn't yet gotten his tattoo, but already had included Cole in the design, and he decided not to change it. "I told him, you're on my arm as being dead, dude," he told his friend.
The final face on KC's arm, a guy "with sad eyes," wasn't a soldier and wasn't killed in the war. It represents a friend back home, Josh, who took his own life at age 15 by jumping in front of a train while KC was in Iraq.
As he prepares to deploy to Afghanistan, KC said, he doesn't want to add more faces to his tattoo.
Looking to the future, he prefers to focus on the message tattooed on his lower right forearm, "Live the Dream."
"Everybody, when they are growing up, has a dream of what they want to be when they grow up," he said.
Asked what that means to him, KC paused to reflect. "I want to be somebody who's respectful," he said.
"Maybe wealthy," he added with a smile, quickly retracting the idea. "No," he said, "I want to be one of those people who is happy with what they have."
Then, as if suddenly remembering that it was Mother's Day as he was heading to his new unit at Fort Carson, he added, "And I want to make my mom happy."
Proposed Recruiting Cuts 'Reasonable,' Pentagon Official Says
By Fred W. Baker III
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - Despite an $800 million cut in funding for military recruiting and retention in the proposed fiscal 2010 defense budget, a senior Defense Department official expressed confidence in the department's ability to continue to attract and retain quality troops. The funding cuts were submitted to Congress last week as part of President Barack Obama's 2010 budget, which included $17 billion in cuts across federal departments, half of which came from defense programs. The 2010 military recruiting and retention budget is proposed at $6.2 billion.
The cuts come on the heels of record recruiting years, and spending, for the armed services. Yesterday, all 10 active-duty and reserve military components reported meeting or exceeding recruiting goals for April.
All services met or exceeded recruiting goals for 2008, one of the department's strongest recruiting years since 2004. The department more than doubled funding for recruiting and retention, from $3.4 billion to $7.7 billion, between 2004 and 2008.
And all services are on schedule to meet their goals again this year, even as the Army and Marine Corps are growing their ranks. The Army last year exceeded its recruiting goal by nearly 1 percent.
Curtis Gilroy, the department's director of accessions policy, called the cuts for 2010 "reasonable," and said he doesn't predict they will be detrimental to either the quality or quantity of those entering the military.
The economic downturn and rising unemployment have made military recruiting less challenging, he said. It has also allowed the military to be more selective in those it allows within its ranks.
Current data shows that so far in fiscal 2009, 96 percent of new military recruits have a high school diploma, and 71 percent score in the upper half on the armed services qualification test, Gilroy said yesterday. Those figures are up from fiscal 2008, when the department reported 92 percent of its recruits entered with a high school diploma and 69 percent scored in the upper half on the qualification test.
The 2010 cuts likely will be felt in bonuses, advertising and production recruiters, Gilroy said.
For example, re-enlistment bonuses in the active-duty Army likely will drop to $444 million in 2010, down from $626 million requested for fiscal 2009, Army officials said last week. Enlistment bonuses will be capped at $450 million, down from $549 million. The Army this year already has reduced the amount it was doling out in recruiting and retention bonuses.
But Gilroy warned that despite the current recruiting conditions, the services must be careful in their cuts.
"We know the recruiting environment can be very volatile. Things can change rather quickly," he said. "The danger is that we make the wrong choice."
For example, in the post-Cold War drawdown, the number of recruits needed by the military dropped by about a third. But despite the smaller requirement, military recruiting became significantly more difficult and expensive in the late 1990s, according to a Defense Department-contracted study by Rand Corporation's National Defense Research Institute.
The Army and Navy subsequently failed to meet their recruiting objectives in fiscal 1998, and the Army and Air Force failed to meet their requirements in fiscal 1999, according to the study.
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2000 authorized large increases in military pay, bonuses, educational benefits, recruiting resources, and a restoration of retirement benefits, which helped to improve recruiting and retention in fiscal 2000 and 2001, according to the study.
"When things turned around and recruiting became more challenging, we found it very expensive, time-consuming and difficult to ramp back up again when we needed to," Gilroy said.
Services can correct cuts in bonuses and advertising relatively quickly, but putting more recruiters on the streets is not as easy, he said.
The military needs 180,000 new recruits each year for its active-duty force, and another 140,000 for the reserve components.
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - Despite an $800 million cut in funding for military recruiting and retention in the proposed fiscal 2010 defense budget, a senior Defense Department official expressed confidence in the department's ability to continue to attract and retain quality troops. The funding cuts were submitted to Congress last week as part of President Barack Obama's 2010 budget, which included $17 billion in cuts across federal departments, half of which came from defense programs. The 2010 military recruiting and retention budget is proposed at $6.2 billion.
The cuts come on the heels of record recruiting years, and spending, for the armed services. Yesterday, all 10 active-duty and reserve military components reported meeting or exceeding recruiting goals for April.
All services met or exceeded recruiting goals for 2008, one of the department's strongest recruiting years since 2004. The department more than doubled funding for recruiting and retention, from $3.4 billion to $7.7 billion, between 2004 and 2008.
And all services are on schedule to meet their goals again this year, even as the Army and Marine Corps are growing their ranks. The Army last year exceeded its recruiting goal by nearly 1 percent.
Curtis Gilroy, the department's director of accessions policy, called the cuts for 2010 "reasonable," and said he doesn't predict they will be detrimental to either the quality or quantity of those entering the military.
The economic downturn and rising unemployment have made military recruiting less challenging, he said. It has also allowed the military to be more selective in those it allows within its ranks.
Current data shows that so far in fiscal 2009, 96 percent of new military recruits have a high school diploma, and 71 percent score in the upper half on the armed services qualification test, Gilroy said yesterday. Those figures are up from fiscal 2008, when the department reported 92 percent of its recruits entered with a high school diploma and 69 percent scored in the upper half on the qualification test.
The 2010 cuts likely will be felt in bonuses, advertising and production recruiters, Gilroy said.
For example, re-enlistment bonuses in the active-duty Army likely will drop to $444 million in 2010, down from $626 million requested for fiscal 2009, Army officials said last week. Enlistment bonuses will be capped at $450 million, down from $549 million. The Army this year already has reduced the amount it was doling out in recruiting and retention bonuses.
But Gilroy warned that despite the current recruiting conditions, the services must be careful in their cuts.
"We know the recruiting environment can be very volatile. Things can change rather quickly," he said. "The danger is that we make the wrong choice."
For example, in the post-Cold War drawdown, the number of recruits needed by the military dropped by about a third. But despite the smaller requirement, military recruiting became significantly more difficult and expensive in the late 1990s, according to a Defense Department-contracted study by Rand Corporation's National Defense Research Institute.
The Army and Navy subsequently failed to meet their recruiting objectives in fiscal 1998, and the Army and Air Force failed to meet their requirements in fiscal 1999, according to the study.
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2000 authorized large increases in military pay, bonuses, educational benefits, recruiting resources, and a restoration of retirement benefits, which helped to improve recruiting and retention in fiscal 2000 and 2001, according to the study.
"When things turned around and recruiting became more challenging, we found it very expensive, time-consuming and difficult to ramp back up again when we needed to," Gilroy said.
Services can correct cuts in bonuses and advertising relatively quickly, but putting more recruiters on the streets is not as easy, he said.
The military needs 180,000 new recruits each year for its active-duty force, and another 140,000 for the reserve components.
Officials Urge Reservists to Take Civilian Bosses to Soldier Show
By Army Maj. Elaine M. Gullotta
Special to American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - A long tradition of "entertainment for the soldier, by the soldier" is getting a new lift -- not a facelift, but a "boss lift." National Guard and Reserve servicemembers historically invite their civilian employers to spend time at their military duty location to familiarize them with their employees' military duties. A typical "boss lift" includes a ride in a military vehicle or aircraft, a visit to a shooting range, or maybe even a visit to a military museum.
But reserve-component servicemembers will have something different to show their employers during the 2009 U.S. Army Soldier Show's national tour, as members of the Guard and Reserve are being encouraged to attend the show and bring their civilian employers through the outreach of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.
A Defense Department organization, ESGR encourages military members to look for and create "win-win situations" with their employers. Doing so can make things a lot easier for the reserve-component members when they need their employers' understanding due to a mobilization.
"Guard and Reserve members should consider their employers as strategic partners who support their efforts to serve our nation," said Navy Capt. Ted Fessel, director of national operations and plans for the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. "The show is exciting and patriotic, and is a great way to educate employers about the military culture."
The Army Soldier Show was established during World War I by Sgt. Israel Berlin, soon to become better known as composer Irving Berlin. He conceived and directed the first Army Show - "Yip, Yip, Yaphank" – on Broadway in 1918.
Berlin went on to re-invent, write, direct and produce a Broadway version of the Soldier Show during World War II, under the title, "This is the Army." The 1943 film version of this production featured Ronald Reagan, Joe Lewis and Gene Kelly.
The Soldier Show is a high-energy musical revue with a cast composed entirely of Army personnel from the active duty, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The cast is under the direction of a team of entertainment professionals, many with years of experience on Broadway.
The show tours the United States from May 1 through mid-November. All shows are free and open to the public.
(Army Maj. Elaine M. Gullotta serves with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.)
Special to American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - A long tradition of "entertainment for the soldier, by the soldier" is getting a new lift -- not a facelift, but a "boss lift." National Guard and Reserve servicemembers historically invite their civilian employers to spend time at their military duty location to familiarize them with their employees' military duties. A typical "boss lift" includes a ride in a military vehicle or aircraft, a visit to a shooting range, or maybe even a visit to a military museum.
But reserve-component servicemembers will have something different to show their employers during the 2009 U.S. Army Soldier Show's national tour, as members of the Guard and Reserve are being encouraged to attend the show and bring their civilian employers through the outreach of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.
A Defense Department organization, ESGR encourages military members to look for and create "win-win situations" with their employers. Doing so can make things a lot easier for the reserve-component members when they need their employers' understanding due to a mobilization.
"Guard and Reserve members should consider their employers as strategic partners who support their efforts to serve our nation," said Navy Capt. Ted Fessel, director of national operations and plans for the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. "The show is exciting and patriotic, and is a great way to educate employers about the military culture."
The Army Soldier Show was established during World War I by Sgt. Israel Berlin, soon to become better known as composer Irving Berlin. He conceived and directed the first Army Show - "Yip, Yip, Yaphank" – on Broadway in 1918.
Berlin went on to re-invent, write, direct and produce a Broadway version of the Soldier Show during World War II, under the title, "This is the Army." The 1943 film version of this production featured Ronald Reagan, Joe Lewis and Gene Kelly.
The Soldier Show is a high-energy musical revue with a cast composed entirely of Army personnel from the active duty, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The cast is under the direction of a team of entertainment professionals, many with years of experience on Broadway.
The show tours the United States from May 1 through mid-November. All shows are free and open to the public.
(Army Maj. Elaine M. Gullotta serves with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.)
Military Needs New Strategy for Present, Future Threats, General Says
By Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - The U.S. military requires a new, grand strategy to address today's complex security threats as well as tomorrow's challenges, a senior U.S. military officer said here today. "We have a real need for a grand strategy; any analysis shows that we have that need," Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis, commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command, told attendees at the annual Joint Warfighting Conference held here today through May 14.
Based in Norfolk, Va., Joint Forces Command is one of the 10 unified combatant commands, and it is the primary U.S. military force provider. Mattis wears a second hat as NATO's supreme allied commander for transformation.
The U.S. military's previous grand strategy was based on containment of the Soviet Union, Mattis said, noting that threat ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
However, today's national security environment is much more complex than that of 20 years ago, Mattis said. The emergence of global terrorism, the likelihood that weaker or failed states will rely on a mix of conventional and unconventional forces, known as hybrid warfare, to battle U.S. forces, and the possibility that a near-peer competitor may one day challenge U.S. national security interests, he said, are driving efforts to develop a new, balanced and comprehensive strategy that addresses all of those scenarios.
"Our predicaments today are complex, but I do not believe they are more complex than many that civilizations have faced in the past," Mattis said.
President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates are addressing how the military will confront terrorist threats that exist in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mattis said, through a multi-faceted strategy that employs military, political, diplomatic, economic development and other components.
Joint Forces Command is working with senior civilian and military leaders and allies, Mattis said, to develop an overarching, grand strategy that addresses current threats, such as terrorism, as well as future threats. Mattis said his organization is revising its Joint Operating Environment report, known as the JOE, which predicts potential threats to U.S. national security in the years ahead.
The current JOE report, Mattis said, predicts a future of persistent conflict and hybrid enemy threats, global instability, increasing access to weapons of mass destruction, the rise of regional state and nonstate actors, and the unpredictability of security threats.
Input from the JOE influences the Quadrennial Defense Review, a congressionally mandated report prepared every four years that also seeks to predict future threats while balancing military capabilities to confront them, he said.
The companion piece to the JOE, known as the Capstone concept for joint operations, Mattis said, represents Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Adm. Mike Mullen's vision for how the joint force will operate in the future, and it provides proposed solutions to envisioned security threats presented in the JOE. The Capstone also is used to guide U.S. military force experimentation and development efforts, he added.
The JOE outlines the possible problems or threats confronting U.S. joint military forces in the future, Mattis explained, while the Capstone concept presents proposed solutions.
In about two weeks, Mattis said, U.S. war gamers will begin experimenting with the Capstone concept's solutions "to see if we got it right."
The upcoming experiments, the general said, will feature scenarios that pit U.S. joint forces against three types of enemies: a globally-networked terrorist threat, a peer competitor, and a failed or failing state.
The JOE report, the Capstone concept and the war games are used to help answer questions that are important to U.S. national security, Mattis said.
"That is," he said, "how to maintain our conventional and nuclear superiority -- behind which the international community derives great benefit -- while we build a joint force that can equally checkmate and defeat irregular threats."
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - The U.S. military requires a new, grand strategy to address today's complex security threats as well as tomorrow's challenges, a senior U.S. military officer said here today. "We have a real need for a grand strategy; any analysis shows that we have that need," Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis, commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command, told attendees at the annual Joint Warfighting Conference held here today through May 14.
Based in Norfolk, Va., Joint Forces Command is one of the 10 unified combatant commands, and it is the primary U.S. military force provider. Mattis wears a second hat as NATO's supreme allied commander for transformation.
The U.S. military's previous grand strategy was based on containment of the Soviet Union, Mattis said, noting that threat ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
However, today's national security environment is much more complex than that of 20 years ago, Mattis said. The emergence of global terrorism, the likelihood that weaker or failed states will rely on a mix of conventional and unconventional forces, known as hybrid warfare, to battle U.S. forces, and the possibility that a near-peer competitor may one day challenge U.S. national security interests, he said, are driving efforts to develop a new, balanced and comprehensive strategy that addresses all of those scenarios.
"Our predicaments today are complex, but I do not believe they are more complex than many that civilizations have faced in the past," Mattis said.
President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates are addressing how the military will confront terrorist threats that exist in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mattis said, through a multi-faceted strategy that employs military, political, diplomatic, economic development and other components.
Joint Forces Command is working with senior civilian and military leaders and allies, Mattis said, to develop an overarching, grand strategy that addresses current threats, such as terrorism, as well as future threats. Mattis said his organization is revising its Joint Operating Environment report, known as the JOE, which predicts potential threats to U.S. national security in the years ahead.
The current JOE report, Mattis said, predicts a future of persistent conflict and hybrid enemy threats, global instability, increasing access to weapons of mass destruction, the rise of regional state and nonstate actors, and the unpredictability of security threats.
Input from the JOE influences the Quadrennial Defense Review, a congressionally mandated report prepared every four years that also seeks to predict future threats while balancing military capabilities to confront them, he said.
The companion piece to the JOE, known as the Capstone concept for joint operations, Mattis said, represents Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Adm. Mike Mullen's vision for how the joint force will operate in the future, and it provides proposed solutions to envisioned security threats presented in the JOE. The Capstone also is used to guide U.S. military force experimentation and development efforts, he added.
The JOE outlines the possible problems or threats confronting U.S. joint military forces in the future, Mattis explained, while the Capstone concept presents proposed solutions.
In about two weeks, Mattis said, U.S. war gamers will begin experimenting with the Capstone concept's solutions "to see if we got it right."
The upcoming experiments, the general said, will feature scenarios that pit U.S. joint forces against three types of enemies: a globally-networked terrorist threat, a peer competitor, and a failed or failing state.
The JOE report, the Capstone concept and the war games are used to help answer questions that are important to U.S. national security, Mattis said.
"That is," he said, "how to maintain our conventional and nuclear superiority -- behind which the international community derives great benefit -- while we build a joint force that can equally checkmate and defeat irregular threats."
Sustained Focus Would Make U.S.-Africa Partnerships 'More Reliable'
By John J. Kruzel
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - The United States can be a more reliable partner with African nations if U.S. Africa Command devotes constant attention to the continent, a top Africom official said today. "Up until now, we were episodic in our military and civilian engagements on the continent. We were not there in a constant form," Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates, AfriCom's deputy to the commander for civil-military activities, told reporters at the Foreign Press Center here.
"If we concentrate on Africa 24/7," she continued, "we hope that we will be able to garner enough resources to be able to be a more reliable partner with the African nations."
Invoking the "mantra" of Army Gen. William E. "Kip" Ward, the commander of Africom, Yates said the partnership requires sustained security engagement. The four main goals of the newest U.S. combatant command, she said, are reducing conflict, improving security, defeating violent extremism and supporting crisis response.
In congressional testimony in March, Ward outlined the conditions for U.S. involvement on the continent, saying America will intervene in conflicts only after warring countries have shown a political will to reconcile.
"The actions that we take come on the heels of a policy decision having been taken by the nations themselves," Ward told the House Armed Services Committee on March 18.
Africom stood up on Oct. 1, 2007, and its headquarters is in Stuttgart, Germany. It is responsible for all U.S. military activity in Africa, with the exception of Egypt, which falls under U.S. Central Command. It became an independent unified command Oct. 1, 2008.
What sets Africom apart from other combatant commands is its integrated staff structure, which brings together the U.S. military with the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other U.S. government agencies involved in Africa.
Asked today about criticism that Africom is emblematic of an increasing militarization of U.S. foreign policy, Yates demurred, noting that Africom's "whole of government" approach could serve as a model.
"Having lived and worked this for the last two years, I would say this is the exact opposite [of militarization]," she said.
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - The United States can be a more reliable partner with African nations if U.S. Africa Command devotes constant attention to the continent, a top Africom official said today. "Up until now, we were episodic in our military and civilian engagements on the continent. We were not there in a constant form," Ambassador Mary Carlin Yates, AfriCom's deputy to the commander for civil-military activities, told reporters at the Foreign Press Center here.
"If we concentrate on Africa 24/7," she continued, "we hope that we will be able to garner enough resources to be able to be a more reliable partner with the African nations."
Invoking the "mantra" of Army Gen. William E. "Kip" Ward, the commander of Africom, Yates said the partnership requires sustained security engagement. The four main goals of the newest U.S. combatant command, she said, are reducing conflict, improving security, defeating violent extremism and supporting crisis response.
In congressional testimony in March, Ward outlined the conditions for U.S. involvement on the continent, saying America will intervene in conflicts only after warring countries have shown a political will to reconcile.
"The actions that we take come on the heels of a policy decision having been taken by the nations themselves," Ward told the House Armed Services Committee on March 18.
Africom stood up on Oct. 1, 2007, and its headquarters is in Stuttgart, Germany. It is responsible for all U.S. military activity in Africa, with the exception of Egypt, which falls under U.S. Central Command. It became an independent unified command Oct. 1, 2008.
What sets Africom apart from other combatant commands is its integrated staff structure, which brings together the U.S. military with the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other U.S. government agencies involved in Africa.
Asked today about criticism that Africom is emblematic of an increasing militarization of U.S. foreign policy, Yates demurred, noting that Africom's "whole of government" approach could serve as a model.
"Having lived and worked this for the last two years, I would say this is the exact opposite [of militarization]," she said.
Obama Nominates Stavridis to Head NATO, U.S. European Commands
American Forces Press Service
May 12, 2009 - President Barack Obama today nominated Navy Adm. James Stavridis to serve as NATO's supreme allied commander for Europe and as commander U.S. European Command, Pentagon officials said. The dual command is responsible for the overall charge of NATO military operations, which includes identifying and requesting forces from NATO countries for wartime needs and peacetime joint training exercises. The alliance includes 42 member countries and 22 partner countries.
The appointment has no set length; the position previously has been held for as little as one year and for as long as eight. Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe has its headquarters at Casteau, north of Mons, Belgium.
Pending U.S. Senate confirmation, Stavridis will succeed Army Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, who assumed the commands in December 2006. NATO's Defense Planning Committee already has agreed to Obama's request to relieve Craddock and appoint Stavridis, according to a statement released by NATO today.
Stavridis currently commands U.S. Southern Command which overseas U.S. military operations in more than 30 Central and South American countries from headquarters in Miami. He took command there in October 2006 from Craddock as well. Stavridis's replacement has yet to be identified.
Pentagon officials said the switch may take place as early as this summer, and that Craddock is likely to retire after nearly 40 years of military service.
May 12, 2009 - President Barack Obama today nominated Navy Adm. James Stavridis to serve as NATO's supreme allied commander for Europe and as commander U.S. European Command, Pentagon officials said. The dual command is responsible for the overall charge of NATO military operations, which includes identifying and requesting forces from NATO countries for wartime needs and peacetime joint training exercises. The alliance includes 42 member countries and 22 partner countries.
The appointment has no set length; the position previously has been held for as little as one year and for as long as eight. Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe has its headquarters at Casteau, north of Mons, Belgium.
Pending U.S. Senate confirmation, Stavridis will succeed Army Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, who assumed the commands in December 2006. NATO's Defense Planning Committee already has agreed to Obama's request to relieve Craddock and appoint Stavridis, according to a statement released by NATO today.
Stavridis currently commands U.S. Southern Command which overseas U.S. military operations in more than 30 Central and South American countries from headquarters in Miami. He took command there in October 2006 from Craddock as well. Stavridis's replacement has yet to be identified.
Pentagon officials said the switch may take place as early as this summer, and that Craddock is likely to retire after nearly 40 years of military service.
The Air Force is awarding a firm fixed price contract to Lockheed Martin Corp., of Liverpool, N.Y. for $24,850,000. This contract will provide radar engineering and design support to the government during the technology development phase of Three Dimensional Long Range Radar Program. At this time, $9,857,500 has been obligated. 850 ESG, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8722-09-C-0003).
The Air Force is awarding a firm fixed price contract to Sensis Corp., of East Syracuse N.Y. for $21,932,585. This contract will provide radar engineering and design support to the government during the technology development phase of Three Dimensional Long Range Radar Program. At this time, $9,857,500 has been obligated. 850 ESG, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8722-09-C-0001).
The Air Force is modifying a cost plus award fee contract with Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., of San Diego, Calif., for $14,760,570. This action will provide rebaseline of the Joint Interface Control Officer Support System Program. At this time, the entire amount has been obligated. 653 ELSG/PK, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8725-04-C-0007, P00068).
The Air Force is modifying a contract letter with University of Hawaii of Honolulu, Hawaii for $7,350,000. This action will provide the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System a multi-year program to develop and deploy a telescope data management system. At this time, the entire amount has been obligated. Det 8 AFRL/RDKB, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico is the contracting activity (FA9451-06-2-0338,PP00006).
Communications & Power Industries, Microwave Power Products Division, Palo Alto, Calif., is being awarded a maximum $12,230,200 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract for the qualification and production of MK-74 TARTAR-D system traveling wave tubes (TWT) and solenoids. The MK-74 TARTAR-D TWT is a component of the MK-74 Guided Missile Fire Control System (GMFCS). The GMFCS MK-74 functions as part of the missile weapons system to support the anti-air and anti-surface warfare missions of ships. The purpose of this contract is to certify and manufacture a TWT that meets the form, fit and function of the current TWT; which will be manufactured with components that are technologically current and available. This contract involves purchases for the government of Taiwan under the Foreign Military Sales Program. Work will be performed in Palo Alto, Calif., and is expected to be completed by May 2014. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via Federal Business Opportunities, with two offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Ind., is the contracting activity (N00164-09-D-GR11).
General Electric Engine Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, is being awarded an $11,361,435 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to overhaul up to 97 T700 GE-401/401C turbo shaft engines, cold section modules and power turbine modules for the SH-60 helicopter. Work will be performed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is expected to be completed in May 2010. Contract funds in the amount of $2,240,345 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via an electronic request for proposals, with six offers received. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00421-09-D-0008).
Evergreen Helicopters, Inc., McMinnville, Ore., is being awarded a $7,607,213 fixed-price contract for ship-based and/or shore-based vertical replenishment services in support of Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. This contract includes options, which if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $74,128,527. Work will be performed in the Atlantic Ocean, and the base period is expected to be completed within 365 days. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with two offers received. The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command headquarters, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00033-09-C-1000).
Raytheon, Integrated Defense Systems, Sudbury, Mass., is being awarded a $6,456,012 cost-plus-fixed-fee delivery order, with delivery incentives, for one AN/SPY-1 radar transmitter multi-mission capability ordnance alteration kit, including radio frequency monitor coherent combiner, technical manual changes and installation/checkout spares. The AN/SPY-1 radar transmitter multi-mission capability modifications are part of the Aegis modernization program along with the multi-mission capability enhancement, a commercial-off-the-shelf based multi-mission signal processor which is being developed in parallel with this procurement. The multi-mission signal processor in conjunction with these transmitter modifications will provide the AN/SPY-1D radar system with near AN/SPY-1D(V) radar performance augmented with full AEGIS ballistic missile defense signal processor capabilities. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Va., (67.5 percent); Sudbury, Mass., (20.5 percent); and Andover, Mass., (12 percent), and is expected to be completed by Oct. 2010. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington Navy Yard, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-06-G-5109).
ARGONST, Inc., Smithfield, Pa., is being awarded a $6,247,375 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-07-C-6201) to provide additional technical and engineering to complete the engineering development model design through critical design review for the open architecture electronics console, flexible towed body, the upgraded deck handling equipment, and the upgraded modular winch. Work will be performed in Smithfield, Pa., and is expected to be completed by Sept. 2012. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command is the contracting activity.
BAE Systems Analytical Solutions, Huntsville, Ala., was awarded on May 8, 2009, a $10,000,000 Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee, IDIQ, Task Order, level of effort contract. This effort is to support the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command's, Deputy Chief of Staff, G2 (DCS, G-2), in strategic, operational, and tactical program analysis support to CENTCOM. Work is to be performed in CENTCOM AOR with an estimated completion date of Jul. 24, 2009. Sole Source bids were solicited. Space & Missile Defense Command / ARSTRAT, Director of Contracting, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., was the contracting activity (W91260-06-D-0005).
NextiraOne Federal, LLC., Herndon, Va., was awarded on May 8, 2009, a $ 9,798,298 firm-fixed-price contract to furnish, install, secure, test, document and cutover a turnkey solution to upgrade the existing infrastructure and facilities at White Sand Missile Range, N.M. Work is to be performed in White Sand Missile Range, N.M., with an estimated completion date of Mar. 7, 2010. Ten bids were solicited with two bids received. Army Contracting Agency, Information Technology, E-Commerce and Commercial Contracting Center (ITEC4), NCRCC, Alexandria, Va., is the contracting activity (W91QUZ-06-D-0027).
JLG IND. INC, McConnellsburg, Pa., was awarded on May 08, 2009, a $ 5,876,078 firm-fixed=price contract for rough terrain forklifts; 5500 lb capacity diesel. Work is to be performed in Maasmechelen, Belgium with an estimated completion date of May 6, 2010. Four bids were solicited with seven bids received. U.S.A. TACOM, AMSCC-TAC-ADBA, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-06-D-G009).
Eagle Aviation, Inc., Kalispell, Mont.*, is being awarded a maximum $8,434,631 fixed price with economic price adjustment contract for fuel. Other locations of performance are in Minnesota and Virginia. Using services federal civilian agencies. There were 48 responses to the original proposal. The date of performance completion is June 30, 2012. The contracting activity is the Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-09-D-4510).
Story Distributing Co., Bozeman, Mont.**, is being awarded a maximum $6,367,398 fixed price with economic price adjustment contract for fuel. Other location of performance is Yellowstone National Park. Using services are federal civilian agencies. There were 48 responses to the original proposal. The date of performance completion is Jun. 30, 2012. The contracting activity is the Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-09-D-4515).
The Air Force is awarding a firm fixed price contract to Lockheed Martin Corp., of Liverpool, N.Y. for $24,850,000. This contract will provide radar engineering and design support to the government during the technology development phase of Three Dimensional Long Range Radar Program. At this time, $9,857,500 has been obligated. 850 ESG, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8722-09-C-0003).
The Air Force is awarding a firm fixed price contract to Sensis Corp., of East Syracuse N.Y. for $21,932,585. This contract will provide radar engineering and design support to the government during the technology development phase of Three Dimensional Long Range Radar Program. At this time, $9,857,500 has been obligated. 850 ESG, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8722-09-C-0001).
The Air Force is modifying a cost plus award fee contract with Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., of San Diego, Calif., for $14,760,570. This action will provide rebaseline of the Joint Interface Control Officer Support System Program. At this time, the entire amount has been obligated. 653 ELSG/PK, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the contracting activity (FA8725-04-C-0007, P00068).
The Air Force is modifying a contract letter with University of Hawaii of Honolulu, Hawaii for $7,350,000. This action will provide the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System a multi-year program to develop and deploy a telescope data management system. At this time, the entire amount has been obligated. Det 8 AFRL/RDKB, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico is the contracting activity (FA9451-06-2-0338,PP00006).
Communications & Power Industries, Microwave Power Products Division, Palo Alto, Calif., is being awarded a maximum $12,230,200 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity contract for the qualification and production of MK-74 TARTAR-D system traveling wave tubes (TWT) and solenoids. The MK-74 TARTAR-D TWT is a component of the MK-74 Guided Missile Fire Control System (GMFCS). The GMFCS MK-74 functions as part of the missile weapons system to support the anti-air and anti-surface warfare missions of ships. The purpose of this contract is to certify and manufacture a TWT that meets the form, fit and function of the current TWT; which will be manufactured with components that are technologically current and available. This contract involves purchases for the government of Taiwan under the Foreign Military Sales Program. Work will be performed in Palo Alto, Calif., and is expected to be completed by May 2014. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via Federal Business Opportunities, with two offers received. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Ind., is the contracting activity (N00164-09-D-GR11).
General Electric Engine Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, is being awarded an $11,361,435 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to overhaul up to 97 T700 GE-401/401C turbo shaft engines, cold section modules and power turbine modules for the SH-60 helicopter. Work will be performed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is expected to be completed in May 2010. Contract funds in the amount of $2,240,345 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via an electronic request for proposals, with six offers received. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00421-09-D-0008).
Evergreen Helicopters, Inc., McMinnville, Ore., is being awarded a $7,607,213 fixed-price contract for ship-based and/or shore-based vertical replenishment services in support of Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. This contract includes options, which if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $74,128,527. Work will be performed in the Atlantic Ocean, and the base period is expected to be completed within 365 days. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured with two offers received. The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command headquarters, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00033-09-C-1000).
Raytheon, Integrated Defense Systems, Sudbury, Mass., is being awarded a $6,456,012 cost-plus-fixed-fee delivery order, with delivery incentives, for one AN/SPY-1 radar transmitter multi-mission capability ordnance alteration kit, including radio frequency monitor coherent combiner, technical manual changes and installation/checkout spares. The AN/SPY-1 radar transmitter multi-mission capability modifications are part of the Aegis modernization program along with the multi-mission capability enhancement, a commercial-off-the-shelf based multi-mission signal processor which is being developed in parallel with this procurement. The multi-mission signal processor in conjunction with these transmitter modifications will provide the AN/SPY-1D radar system with near AN/SPY-1D(V) radar performance augmented with full AEGIS ballistic missile defense signal processor capabilities. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Va., (67.5 percent); Sudbury, Mass., (20.5 percent); and Andover, Mass., (12 percent), and is expected to be completed by Oct. 2010. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington Navy Yard, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-06-G-5109).
ARGONST, Inc., Smithfield, Pa., is being awarded a $6,247,375 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-07-C-6201) to provide additional technical and engineering to complete the engineering development model design through critical design review for the open architecture electronics console, flexible towed body, the upgraded deck handling equipment, and the upgraded modular winch. Work will be performed in Smithfield, Pa., and is expected to be completed by Sept. 2012. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Command is the contracting activity.
BAE Systems Analytical Solutions, Huntsville, Ala., was awarded on May 8, 2009, a $10,000,000 Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee, IDIQ, Task Order, level of effort contract. This effort is to support the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command's, Deputy Chief of Staff, G2 (DCS, G-2), in strategic, operational, and tactical program analysis support to CENTCOM. Work is to be performed in CENTCOM AOR with an estimated completion date of Jul. 24, 2009. Sole Source bids were solicited. Space & Missile Defense Command / ARSTRAT, Director of Contracting, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., was the contracting activity (W91260-06-D-0005).
NextiraOne Federal, LLC., Herndon, Va., was awarded on May 8, 2009, a $ 9,798,298 firm-fixed-price contract to furnish, install, secure, test, document and cutover a turnkey solution to upgrade the existing infrastructure and facilities at White Sand Missile Range, N.M. Work is to be performed in White Sand Missile Range, N.M., with an estimated completion date of Mar. 7, 2010. Ten bids were solicited with two bids received. Army Contracting Agency, Information Technology, E-Commerce and Commercial Contracting Center (ITEC4), NCRCC, Alexandria, Va., is the contracting activity (W91QUZ-06-D-0027).
JLG IND. INC, McConnellsburg, Pa., was awarded on May 08, 2009, a $ 5,876,078 firm-fixed=price contract for rough terrain forklifts; 5500 lb capacity diesel. Work is to be performed in Maasmechelen, Belgium with an estimated completion date of May 6, 2010. Four bids were solicited with seven bids received. U.S.A. TACOM, AMSCC-TAC-ADBA, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-06-D-G009).
Eagle Aviation, Inc., Kalispell, Mont.*, is being awarded a maximum $8,434,631 fixed price with economic price adjustment contract for fuel. Other locations of performance are in Minnesota and Virginia. Using services federal civilian agencies. There were 48 responses to the original proposal. The date of performance completion is June 30, 2012. The contracting activity is the Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-09-D-4510).
Story Distributing Co., Bozeman, Mont.**, is being awarded a maximum $6,367,398 fixed price with economic price adjustment contract for fuel. Other location of performance is Yellowstone National Park. Using services are federal civilian agencies. There were 48 responses to the original proposal. The date of performance completion is Jun. 30, 2012. The contracting activity is the Defense Energy Support Center, Fort Belvoir, Va., (SP0600-09-D-4515).
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