Thursday, August 21, 2014

Saving lives one pilot at a time

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux

8/19/2014 - PLOVDIV, Bulgaria -- Pilots have an important job in the Air Force, they fly aircraft to deliver goods, fight off unwanted adversaries and provide assistance where needed essentially keeping people safe. But, who keeps the pilots protected while they fly those missions?
That vital responsibility falls on the shoulders of aircrew flight equipment Airmen who take pride in what they do on a daily basis.

"We provide pilots with life-saving equipment which allows them to fly," said Senior Airman Jeffrey Berry, 493rd Fighter Squadron AFE technician. "We fit each pilot with their own set of G-suits, harness, vest, helmet and much more."

From cutting the visor to fitting the oxygen mask on the helmet, it takes roughly three hours to fit a pilot with a brand new helmet to ensure everything works properly. Without the protective gear supplied to them by AFE Airmen, pilots wouldn't be able to fly safely.

"They provide me with the means to stay alive with essential equipment such as oxygen," said Capt. Matthew Scott, 493rd FS electronic control pilot. "They maintain all of our equipment that is critical for our flights. Heaven forbid if I ever have to eject, I know they will keep me safe with the appropriate harness."

With such a fast-paced career, pilots and other aircrew can be called upon to go out the door in a short time; they rely on AFE Airmen to ensure their gear is ready to go when they are. The equipment is constantly being maintained with pre- and post-flight checks to guarantee the security of the aircrew.

"I take a lot of pride in what I do," said Berry. "Everything we take care of needs to work the first time without fail. In order for that to happen, we hold ourselves to a gold standard and do everything as perfect as we can to keep our guys safe."

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