By Terri Moon Cronk
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
WASHINGTON, May 25, 2015 – President Barack Obama today used
the stories of three soldiers who died in Afghanistan to illustrate the values
of the thousands of service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the
nation’s wars.
Joined by Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, Obama spoke at the
cemetery’s amphitheater after laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier in observance of Memorial Day.
Army Spc. Wyatt Martin and Armyn Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Morris
were 15 years apart in age and traveled different paths in life, the president
said, but their paths took them to the same unit in Afghanistan and made them
brothers in arms.
“In December, an [improvised explosive device] struck their
vehicle. They were the last two Americans to give their lives during our combat
mission in Afghanistan,” Obama said. “These two men, these two heroes, if you
saw them passing on the street, you wouldn't have known they were brothers. But
under this flag, in common cause, they were bonded together to secure our
liberty, to keep us safe.”
Like Martin and Morris, Army Cpl. John Dawson shared the
same passion and convictions about serving his country, Obama said.
“In April, an attacker wearing an Afghan uniform fired at a
group of American soldiers,” the president said. “And Dawson became the first
American service member to give his life to this new mission to train Afghan
forces. The words on John's dog tag were those of scripture: ‘Greater love has
no other than this, than to lay down your life for your friends.’"
Recognizing 147 Years of Tribute
Americans have set aside this day for 147 years to pay
solemn tribute to brave patriots who gave their “last full measure of devotion”
for the nation, Obama said. “While the nature of war has changed over that
time,” he added, “the values that drive our brave men and women in uniform
remain constant: honor, courage, selflessness.”
The nation’s patriots have ranged from those who sparked the
American Revolution, those who saved a union, those who defeated tyranny in
Europe and the Pacific, he noted. Americans also braved the mountains of Korea,
the jungles of Vietnam and the deserts of the Middle East, and became the men
and women of the “9/11 Generation,” he said.
“This year, we mark a historic anniversary: 70 years since
our victory in World War II,” Obama said. “More than 16 million Americans left
everything they knew to fight for our freedom. More than 400,000 gave their
The president asked World War II heroes, their families and
friends of the fallen to “so our country can thank you once more,” he said.
Freedoms Often Taken For Granted
Most Americans don't fully understand the sacrifice that 1
percent of the population makes by serving in the all-volunteer armed forces --
one that “preserves the freedoms we too often take for granted,” the president
“Few know what it's like to take a bullet for a buddy, or to
live with the fact that he or she took one for you, he added. “But our Gold
Star families, our military families, our veterans -- they know this
“Whenever I meet with our Gold Star families, … I hear their
pride through their tears as they flip through old photos and run their fingers
over shiny medals, Obama continued. “I see that their hearts are still broken,
and yet still full of love. They do not ask for awards or honors. They do not
ask for special treatment. They are unfailingly humble. In the face of
unspeakable loss, they represent the best of who we are.”
The Fallen Belong to the Nation
The sons and daughters and brothers and sisters who lay down
their lives for American freedom belong all U.S. citizens, the president said.
“We benefit from their light, their positive influence on
the world,” he said. “And it's our duty -- our eternal obligation -- to be
there for them too, to make sure our troops always have what they need to carry
out the mission, to make sure we care for all those who have served, to make
sure we honor all those whom we've lost, to make sure we keep faith with our
military families, to make sure we never stop searching for those who are
missing or trying to bring home our prisoners of war. And we are grateful for
the families of our [prisoners of war and those missing in action].”
A Reflection of America
The hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery is more
than the final resting place of heroes, Obama said, adding that it also is a
reflection of America.
“It's a reflection of our history -- the wars we've waged
for democracy, the peace we've laid to preserve it,” Obama said. “It's a
reflection of our diversity -- men and women of all backgrounds, all races and
creeds and circumstances and faiths, willing to defend and die for the ideals
that bind us as one nation.
“It's a reflection of our character,” he continued, “seen
not only in those who are buried here, but also in the caretakers who watch
over them and preserve this sacred place and in the sentinels of the 3rd
Infantry Regiment who dutifully, unfailingly, watch over those patriots known
only to God, but never forgotten.”
The Cost of the Nation’s Blessings
The nation endures because of the Americans who rest beneath
Arlington’s beautiful hills and in sacred ground across the country and around
the world, the president said.
“Each simple stone marker, arranged in perfect military
precision, signifies the cost of our blessings,” Obama said. “It is a debt we
can never fully repay, but it is a debt we will never stop trying to fully
The president urged Americans to be a nation worthy of their
sacrifice -- “living our own lives the way the fallen lived theirs [as] a
testament that ‘Greater love has no other than this, than to lay down your life
for your friends.’"
Though this year the first Memorial Day since the end of the
war in Afghanistan, the president said, “we are acutely aware, as we speak, our
men and women in uniform still stand watch and still serve, and still sacrifice
around the world.”
Several years ago, the nation had more than 100,000 troops
in Afghanistan, and today fewer than 10,000 troops remain to train and assist
Afghan forces, he said.
“We'll continue to bring them home and reduce our forces
further, down to an embassy presence by the end of next year,” Obama said. “But
Afghanistan remains a very dangerous place. As so many families know, our
troops continue to risk their lives for us.”