100 Survivors to Convene in D.C. to Share Their Stories with Congress, Policy
Experts, and the Public; Expert Panelists to Discuss Military Law
WASHINGTON, DC – On Tuesday, May 8,
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) will hold the first-ever gathering of
Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine veteran sexual assault survivors in the
nation’s capital for “Truth and Justice: The 2012 Summit on Military Sexual
The Summit, held at the Washington Court
Hotel, will provide survivors and their families the opportunity to share
personal experiences with military sexual violence with Congress members and
fellow service members.
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) will host over 100 veteran and active
duty military sexual assault survivors and their families.
"Truth and Justice: The 2012 Summit on Military Sexual Violence" will
provide momentum to drive tactics for reform of Department of Defense and
Department of Veterans Affairs policies as well as provide opportunities for
oversight and action by elected officials.
Washington Court Hotel, Grand Ballroom (Lower Level), 525 New Jersey Avenue,
NW, Washington DC 20001
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 (press check-in opens at 8
a.m.; 45-foot throw)
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.: Opening Remarks and Congressional Remarks
with Representatives Sanchez (D-CA), Pingree (D-ME) and Braley (D-IA)
Open to press
8:30 – 9:45 a.m.: Veteran Panel
Open to press; no cameras or video
Veteran survivors will share experiences
and comment on resilience and reintegration.
9:55 – 11:30 a.m.: Policy Panel
Open to press
Legal and policy experts will discuss
strategies for change and system reform.
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Awards Ceremony
to press
Mary Lauterbach, the mother of Marine
Lance Corporal Maria Lauterbach, who was 20 years old when she was murdered in
2007 by a fellow Marine accused of raping her only weeks before, will keynote
the ceremony and present The Lauterbach Award for Truth and Justice. Award
recipients, honored for their sustained commitment to the elimination of sexual
violence in the military, include Representative Niki Tsongas (D-MA),
Representative Michael Turner (R-OH), Senator John Kerry (D-MA), and Senator Susan
Collins (R-ME).
** Media interested in attending
"Truth and Justice: The 2012 Summit on Military Sexual Violence,"
please RSVP here. **
For more information on the Summit,
visit www.truthandjusticesummit.org or contact Katy Otto at katy@servicewomen.org
or 240-478-9387.
SWAN is a national civil rights
organization founded and led by women veterans. SWAN’s vision is to transform
military culture by securing equal opportunity and the freedom to serve in
uniform without threat of harassment, discrimination, intimidation or assault.
SWAN also seeks to reform veterans' services on a national scale to guarantee
equal access to quality health care, benefits and resources for women veterans
and their families. You can follow Service Women’s Action Network on Twitter at
http://twitter.com/servicewomen, or on Facebook at