By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
WEST POINT, N.Y., May 23, 2015 – The chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff reversed the first-salute tradition for new officers during the
Class of 2015’s U.S. Military Academy commencement here today.
Military tradition is that newly commissioned officers give
a dollar to the noncommissioned officers who render them their first salute.
But today, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey gave each of the 994 new second
lieutenants an autographed dollar bill to signify his trust in them.
It was a fitting tribute from one end of “the Long Gray
Line” to the other. Dempsey, the military’s highest-ranking officer, graduated
from the U.S. Military Academy in 1974. He retires later.
According to a Defense Department handbook titled “The Armed
Forces Officer,” the first-salute tradition goes back to the founding of the
U.S. Army during the Revolutionary War. At that time, officers paid NCOs to
mentor them as they learned the profession of a soldier.
Symbolic Passing of the Torch
Giving an NCO a dollar for the first salute is a throwback
to that tradition. It generally is given to an NCO who influenced and prepared
an officer for command. It is a symbolic passing of the torch by the NCO, who
transitions from mentor to subordinate. Another thread in the tradition says
new officers “buy” their first salute and then earn all others through their
duty performance.
The first salute “is symbolic of the respect and trust that
exist between leader and led within our profession,” Dempsey said. “In return,
you will give the individual who salutes you a dollar, indicating that they can
count on you to earn their trust, not just today, but every day throughout your
The Chairman’s First Salute
Dempsey’s first salute 41 years ago was from Army Master
Sgt. Bernie Henderson, an NCO in the Military Academy’s department of military
instruction. Dempsey had met him during training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and
throughout his cadet career, the sergeant was someone he could turn to when he
had questions about how to relate to the NCO Corps.
“He took my first salute,” the general told the graduates.
“I signed a dollar bill and handed it to him. We went our separate ways.”
About a year ago, Dempsey said, he got a package in the mail
containing a framed dollar bill that he had signed and a note that read, “Dear
General Dempsey, I told you I would return this to you when you made general.
Sorry it took me so long to send it back to you. Sincerely, Bernie Henderson.”
“That was his way of letting me know I had earned his
trust,” the general said. “Among the many awards and citations I’ve received
throughout my career, it is one of my most treasured possessions.”
One Important Message: Trust
Dempsey told the graduates that he wanted to deliver one
important message to them: “We trust you.”
“We trust you to win our nation’s wars, to be leaders of
character and competence and consequence,” he said. “We trust you to leave our
profession better than you found it.
“As I shake your hand on this stage today,” he continued,
“I’ll give you each a dollar bill that I’ve signed. In the years ahead, as you
confront the challenges ahead, I hope you remember not who gave it to you, but
what it means.”