By Christianne M. Witten, Chief of Navy Chaplains Public
NORFOLK (NNS) -- More than 80 Navy chaplains and religious
program specialists (RP) gathered at Naval Station Norfolk for a professional
development training course (PDTC), April 27-30.
The training focused on enhancing pastoral care skills and
the role of spirituality for service members and families in suicide
prevention, intervention, and postvention. The Norfolk PDTC is one of 13 total
training sessions the Chaplain Corps is conducting worldwide from January to
July 2015.
"It cuts right to the core of the command when suicide
happens," said Capt. Robert Clark Jr., commanding officer of Naval Station
Norfolk, in his opening remarks to the attendees. "Chaplains play a key
role in suicide prevention and particularly in postvention as advisors to the
commander on the best way to care for the impacted family and Sailors in the
command," he added.
Subject matters experts in suicidology and suicide
intervention from the 21st Century Sailor Office and LivingWorks Education
facilitated the training alongside the Naval Chaplaincy School and Center
"In this training, we will focus on the unique ways we
can keep our warfighters in strength by providing courageous care where it
matters, when it matters on the deck plate," said Deputy Chief of Navy
Chaplains Rear Adm. Brent Scott during his opening remarks. "As chaplains,
we usher in the divine presence into the conversation as we speak to the issues
of hopelessness and one's purpose in life," he added.
In addition to pastoral care, the three-day training
underscored the invaluable advisory role of chaplains to the command triad to
address command climate issues, help reduce stigma, and encourage help-seeking
behavior to prevent suicide in the command.
"The link to building resilience in our people is
reducing barriers and reinforcing hope. It's not a one-size- fits-all approach
but about building bridges with other partners in care with whom we work as
professional Navy chaplains," said Capt. Frank Foley, a Navy chaplain in
the chief of chaplains' office who helped facilitate the training.
Days one and two focused on effective prevention and
intervention strategies. These strategies included the importance of purposeful
engagement at various transition points in a service member's career, and
purposeful listening to connect the dots indicating when someone might be at
risk. These risk factors include: a disrupted social network, relationship
challenges, occupational or academic setbacks, and fall from glory situations.
"Chaplains are vital resources to Sailors and families,
particularly when it comes to navigating life's stressors and challenges,"
said Steve Holton, deputy director for the 21st Century Sailor Office Suicide
Prevention Branch. "The evidence-based tools we're introducing to the
Fleet through these trainings will enable any shipmate, leader or professional
to effectively assess a Sailor's level of risk, promote positive coping
strategies, and build trust. This collaboration is another way for us to
provide tools to support Every Sailor, Every Day and encourage proactive
engagement before crises occur," Holton added.
Participants learned how to use evidence-based intervention
tools such as the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, a screening tool for
persons at risk, and the VA safety plan. Both tools are intended to equip
chaplains with the right questions to ask to help keep service members and
family members safe, without compromising an individual's confidentiality.
"As we care for our people, we provide a completely
confidential and safe place for those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts to
explore their pain. We are able to help them build personal and spiritual
resilience so they can work through their challenges and successfully re-integrate
into their work environment," said Cmdr. Glenda Harrison, command chaplain
for USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and training participant.
"Training of this nature is paramount to a chaplain's
professional development and keeps the chaplain leaning forward to provide
viable solutions to the command to address this health of force issue,"
Harrison added.
The training also emphasized the importance of engaging
family members who are often the ones most attuned to changes in their Sailor,
Marine, or Coast Guardsmen. According to Joiner's Interpersonal Theory of
Suicide, these changes include signs of isolation, "thwarted
belongingness" or "perceived burdensomeness."
While many family members fear disclosing information that
could impact their service members' career, they also have complete
confidentiality with their chaplain. In these cases, chaplains can act as an
advocate to intervene and get the service member the help he or she needs.
The final day of training focused on postvention, supporting
a survivor's recovery and reintegration back into the command. Participants
learned how to best advise commanders in the aftermath of a suicide to be
sensitive to the needs of the crew and ways to foster an environment of healing
in the command and for family members as they grieve.
"One of the best practices shared which I intend to
take back to my command is the importance of rehearsing my command's suicide
crisis response plan," said Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Prince, the command chaplain
for the Coast Guard's 5th District. "My command recently had a person die
by suicide. Since that time, I have been making unit visits to engage people on
ways to be resilient by proactively setting physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual goals in their personal and professional relationships," Prince
added. "This training was a great encouragement as it helped validate this
approach to care for my people."