Monday, August 11, 2014

USecAF holds all call at Spangdahlem

by Staff Sgt. Christopher Ruano
52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs

8/11/2014 - SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany -- The Under Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning recently visited Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, and held an all call, which he kicked off by complimenting Airmen on their attention to detail.

"Your base looks amazing," Fanning said. "Clearly that shows a lot of pride in what you do, and I appreciate that."

Fanning discussed his role as the USecAF, the importance of the capabilities the Air Force brings to the fight as well as his assessment on manning and budget constraints affecting the military.

"Without the Air Force, the other three services couldn't fight the way they do," said Fanning. "They couldn't do what they do, the way they do, without the Air Force."

As under secretary, he is the senior Air Force energy official and the focal point for space operations, policy and acquisition issues on the Air Force staff. He oversees the Air Force's annual budget of more than $110 billion.

"The Air Force is in a lot of different places, a lot of different domains that aren't necessarily accessible to people because you can't see them," Fanning said, referring to space and cyberspace.

Fanning said the U.S. Air Force continues to delivers its core mission capability of global vigilance, global reach and global power every day.

"We are really the joint glue--the ones that hold the fight together across all services," Fanning said. "The Air Force approaches things more jointly than all the other services do."

Fanning explained the Air Force provides a critical connection between the warfighting services and the intelligence community.

"That is a very powerful place to be," said Fanning. "We are one-stop shopping for the president and we will be even more so going forward. We can tell him or her what's going on anywhere in the world, and then something can be done about it, anywhere, anytime."

By law, Fanning serves as the Chief Management Officer of the Air Force, responsible for the efficient and effective management of Air Force resources and providing for the welfare of more than 333,000 active duty men and women, 178,000 Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members, and 182,000 civilians.

"If you look at the Air Force Memorial, it is three spires," Fanning said. "Some people say it's air, space and cyber. Some say it's global reach, global power and global vigilance. I've been saying it means, 'if you hide, we will find you', 'if you move, we will see you,' and 'if you deserve it, we will punish you.' None of the other services can do that the way the Air Force can."

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