by Master Sgt. Beth Holliker
180th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
8/11/2014 - SWANTON, Ohio -- The
Ohio Air National Guard's 180th Fighter Wing here is slated to become
an Active Associate unit in fiscal year 2016 as part of the Air Force
Total Force Integration concept adding active-duty pilots and
maintenance personnel to the wing's authorized manning document.
The 180th FW became the first Ohio National Guard unit in history to
become part of the Air Force's Total Force Integration concept when the
wing was assigned an active-duty commander in March.
Col. Craig R. Baker, former vice wing commander for the 57th Wing,
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, assumed command of the 180th FW during a
change of command ceremony March 2.
Baker's assignment to the 180th FW aligns with the Air Force goal to
increase overall integration between the Active Component and the Air
Reserve Components comprised of the Air Force Reserve and the ANG.
The assignment of Baker to the 180th FW is laying the foundation for the
wing's future role in the Total Force plan, beginning in the first
quarter of FY 2016, when the four active-duty pilots and 40 active-duty
maintenance personnel will be added to the wing's existing authorized
manning document.
"Col. Baker's selection was borne out of the desire to more closely
integrate the three components," said Maj. Gen. Mark E. Bartman,
Assistant Adjutant General for Air, Ohio National Guard. "One method to
that end is through the integration of leadership positions."
Bartman was the ANG representative for the Total Force Task Force made
up of three two-star generals, now known as the Total Force Continuum.
The task force, now made up of three one-star generals, one from each
Air Force Component, is charged with providing guidance on how to bring
the three components together as One Air Force.
"As One Air Force, we will continue to integrate the staffs of Air Force
units and organizations from squadron levels to headquarters levels,"
Bartman explained. "The most effective method for our Airmen to better
understand their counterparts in the other components will be a
deliberate process of allowing seamless movement between the
Since the end of World War II, the nation has maintained separate
identities for the National Guard and Reserves despite several attempts
at mergers to include a 1947 recommendation to abolish the National
Guard and the 1964 recommendation to merge reserve components of the
Army under the National Guard, as annotated in the January 2014 report
by the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force.
Though the Air Force associated a Reserve unit with an Active in 1968,
where both units flew and maintained the same aircraft, the TF concept
was officially introduced, and met with opposition in 1973, when Defense
Secretary, James Schlesinger, developed the Total Force Policy,
highlighting recommendations to integrate RC forces and AC forces,
blurring the distinction between components.
Total Force gained more visibility in the 1990s with large-scale
National Guard deployments in support of the Gulf War. Since the Gulf
War's Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield, the Air Force has
continued to welcome the transformation and evolution of the reserve
components from a strategic and ready reserve force to the operationally
capable and readily available force we know today.
Today, with ever evolving mission demands, coupled with fiscal
constraints, the foundation of the TF concept is finally beginning to
take shape.
"The Air Force must change the way it organizes, functionally
integrates, aligns and employs the great Americans who volunteer to
serve in its ranks," according to the National Commission on the
Structure of the Air Force.
The initial stages of the TF construct are to provide the basic
framework, while the details of the more than 40 suggested
recommendations from the Commission report, presented to President
Barack Obama and Congress in January 2014, are being fine-tuned and
The Commission recommended two major changes. The first is to increase
the number of associate units throughout the Air Force. Today, the Air
Force has 120 current or planned association units.
This recommendation would shift the force structure to focus greater
reliance on the ANG and AFR, expanding multi-component operations,
enhancing the TF and One Air Force concepts. The intent of this
recommendation would lower overall military personnel costs, produce a
more ready and capable force by preserving funds for readiness
operations, maintenance, recapitalization and modernization.
The TF concept pairs two units, a host and an associate, representing
two of the Air Force's three components, Active Duty, Reserve and Guard,
operating together to enhance the ability of the Air Force to conduct
missions through the sharing of resources and utilizing the seasoned RC
personnel to aid in the training and growing of AC Airmen.
Association units primarily fit into one of three types: Classic
Association, where RC units collocate with AC units; Active Association,
where AC units collocate and jointly operate aircraft on a RC base; and
Air Reserve Component Association, where ANG and AFR units are
collocated and share equipment.
The second recommendation is that all associate wings implement and
maintain a single, integrated chain of command, resulting in a fully
integrated wing, or i-Wing.
In the more well-known Classic Association, where RC units are
physically collocated on AD installations, both the RC and AC units
maintain their separate reporting instructions through their Major
Command, or MAJCOMs, with their own individual chains of command and
local commanders.
"The long-term goal of the i-Wing model is one team made up of the three
components integrated at all levels," said Baker. "The concept is that
the wing would be commanded by a member of any component, which will
reduce chain of command confusion, duplicative overhead and the number
of bosses overall."
Increased use of the i-Wing structure, coupled with future changes to
the Active and Reserve component end strengths, the number of personnel
authorized by legislation for a given fiscal year, will enhance the
Force's ability to scale available forces to meet continually changing
mission demands and fiscal constraints.
Baker's assignment as commander of an ANG wing is also being used as a
test measure to identify potential challenges and develop effective
solutions for Airmen transitioning between the Active and Reserve
Airmen assigned to the AC fall under Title 10, active duty federal
funding under the U.S. Code and are exclusively a federal organization.
Members of the ANG fall under the Title 32 category, but with additional
complexity. ANG units fulfill both federal and state missions, but
report directly to their state's Governor and are manned by a mix of
full-time, Active Guard Reserve and Dual Status Federal Technicians, and
part-time personnel, referred to as Drill Status Guardsmen.
Though ANG Airmen report directly to the governor during normal
day-to-day operations, they can easily transition to Title 10, active
duty status, in times of war or national emergencies when AC forces are
insufficient or unavailable, upon collaboration with individual state
The ANG's unique mission of supporting their state, communities and the
homeland allows for the governor to activate ANG members within their
respective state to provide Defense Support to Civil Authorities in
response to natural and man-made disasters.
Because state governors are essential stakeholders of the Air Force they
are becoming more involved as the TF concept begins to rapidly take
shape and the One Air Force concept becomes a reality.
"The process used to assess Col. Baker to the Ohio National Guard is one
that will be duplicated many times over for both AC Airmen moving to
the RC, as well as RC Airmen moving to the AC," Bartman said.
"Currently, the process requires the governor of the state involved and
the Secretary of Defense to sign a letter of agreement, or LOA, enabling
AC Airmen to hold a dual commission in both the Title 10 status and
Title 32 status."
The fiscal appropriations, personnel processes and pay statuses are not
the only differences or challenges that will be faced as the 180th
Fighter Wing and the Air Force continue to move toward the fully
operational construct.
"Historically, the RC was intended to provide a strategic reserve,
called upon only in a time of war or national emergency, when AC forces
were insufficient or unavailable," explained Bartman. "Numerous federal
laws were drafted with the strategic reserve in mind. In today's
environment, characterized by an increased utilization of the RC, some
of these laws impede efforts to move to a 'One Air Force' solution."
"Some of these laws need to be amended to allow the three components of
the Air Force to work together to provide the world's best airpower and
homeland defense in a fiscally responsible way," continued Bartman.
The transition for Baker is still ongoing, but is providing the task
force with the information necessary to develop and execute solutions
for those challenges not identified during the initial planning and
staffing process.
"Challenges to the long term vision effect not only my transition, but
the whole process," said Baker. "These challenges include separate AC
and RC funding appropriations, making complete integration impossible
under current law; statutes that restrict the use of fulltime RC forces
which are not fully interchangeable with active personnel at home
station; budgetary challenges hinder Military Personnel Appropriations
funding for home station operations; and pay, promotion and assignment
systems are not fully interoperable between AC and RC personnel."
The One Air Force initiative is not only geared toward maximizing
effective use of the three components, sharing personnel and equipment
to meet mission requirements, it is also a solution to meet the Defense
Strategic Guidance directive for the Department of Defense to continue
efforts to reduce the cost of doing business.
"Our military has an imperative to spend resources in a fiscally
responsible way," Bartman said. "The necessity to reduce cost is,
perhaps, the most compelling catalyst for examining the mix of Active
and Reserve Components."
Though there remain differences in personnel pay statuses and mission
sets between the AC and RC, the Commission concluded that, when used in
the traditional part-time or rotational basis, the RC is significantly
less expensive than an AC force of the same size.
The RC requires fewer Airmen to be trained from the "ground up," as many
of its part-time Airmen have civilian occupations closely aligned with
their Air Force career field and training from one occupation is
mutually beneficial to the other. These part-time Airmen are only paid
by the Air Force when preforming their military duties on a periodic or
rotational basis. The RC also has access to seasoned Airmen
transitioning from the AC to the RC who require less periodic, or
refresher training, to maintain war-ready skill-sets.
The Commission also highlights that traditional, part-time, Airmen in
the RC are entitled to retirement benefits, but cannot receive them
until the age of 60 and are not supported throughout their careers in
the same way AC Airmen are. Reserve Component Airmen do not have base
housing or child care provided, or schools, health care or Morale,
Welfare and Recreation facilities that are provided to AC Airmen and
included in the cost of maintaining the AC force.
"As a member of the ANG, you live off of the local economy," Baker
explained. "There is no base housing, commissary, hospital, pool or golf
course provided on the installation."
The Commission determined that, based on research and testimonies at the
time, the cost of a part-time RC Airman, who is not preforming active
missions throughout the year, is approximately 1/6th the cost of an AC
"The National Guard, primarily a part-time force, is held to the same
readiness standards as the AC, continues to demonstrate their readiness
capabilities, execute missions in an unprecedented manner, both at home
and abroad," continued Bartman. "And, because all three components are
required to maintain the same standards, they should be viewed as a
system of systems based on a symbiotic or mutually beneficial
relationship. When the service is imbalanced, the benefits of the
relationship dissipate."
Bartman continued to explain, "A part-time force, by nature, is a less
costly force, but the more it is used, the less cost advantageous it
becomes. Likewise, an AC force that is too large can become
characterized by extraordinary costs. There are numerous gives and takes
impacted by changes to force mix and each of those implications must be
The Total Force initiative is well underway throughout the Air Force
today, but the expected pace of operations over the next decade will be a
significant driver in determining an appropriate mix of AC and RC
forces and the necessary level of readiness required by the RC.
The 180th FW is already marking its place in history and finding its
place in the Total Force Initiative with its first AC commander.
"While there will be challenges moving forward toward an Active
Associate wing, there is no doubt that the men and women of the 180th
Fighter Wing will prove successful in leading the way for the Total
Force," said Baker.
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