Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Top Ten in Military Slang

 FUBAR: stands for "F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition" and is used to describe a situation that has gone completely wrong.

  1. SNAFU: stands for "Situation Normal: All F***ed Up" and is used to describe a situation that is chaotic or disorderly.
  2. Charlie Foxtrot: refers to a situation that is a complete mess or chaotic, with the initials CF representing the profane version.
  3. BOHICA: stands for "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again" and is used to describe a situation where someone is about to face a difficult or unpleasant task or experience.
  4. POG: stands for "Person Other than Grunt" and is used to refer to non-combat personnel, such as those who work in administrative or support roles.
  5. Hooah: a term used to show agreement or enthusiasm, often used in response to an order or command.
  6. Semper Fi: short for "Semper Fidelis," which means "always faithful" in Latin, and is the motto of the United States Marine Corps.
  7. Roger: a term used to acknowledge receipt of a message or an order, meaning "message received and understood."
  8. Snipe: a slang term for a Navy sailor who works in the engineering department, especially in the engine room.
  9. Shammer: a term used to describe someone who is shirking their duties or avoiding work.

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