Thursday, May 25, 2023

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Highlights International Support for Ukraine's Defense Efforts at the 12th Ukraine Defense Contact Group

In a powerful virtual gathering, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III addressed the 12th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, expressing gratitude to participants from around the world for their unwavering commitment to Ukraine's defense. The meeting served as a platform to discuss the progress made in Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression and to announce significant contributions from various countries.

Secretary Austin commenced by acknowledging the unity displayed among the members of the Contact Group, emphasizing their shared determination to support Ukraine's cause. He revealed that the United States has recently committed an additional $1.8 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, demonstrating a long-term commitment to bolstering Ukraine's defense capabilities.

The Secretary disclosed specific components of the assistance package, including equipment such as HIMARS ammunition, anti-tank systems, and laser-guided rockets. Moreover, the United States pledged to provide combat enablers such as heavy equipment transport and armored bridging systems. Additionally, air-defense systems, munitions, and 155-millimeter artillery rounds were included in the support package.

Highlighting the collective efforts of the Contact Group, Secretary Austin noted the recent commitments made by Germany, Denmark, and France. Germany pledged to provide Ukraine with Leopard tanks, ammunition, combat drones, and more, amounting to nearly $3 billion. Denmark announced a significant package encompassing air defense support and combat enablers, while France committed to providing light tanks and armored vehicles. These contributions address Ukraine's immediate needs and underline the sustained resolve of the Contact Group.

Secretary Austin emphasized that the assistance provided aims to make a real-time difference, as the United States and other Contact Group members continue to work closely to fulfill Ukraine's defense requirements. The Secretary highlighted the successful training programs undertaken, including the training of nine motorized and mechanized brigades. He also announced the forthcoming joint effort, led by the United States and its allies, to train Ukrainian pilots on fourth-generation aircraft, including F-16s, further enhancing Ukraine's air force capabilities.

The Secretary expressed his appreciation for the unity demonstrated by the Contact Group, emphasizing the pivotal role played by ground-based air-defense systems in safeguarding Ukrainian skies and civilian infrastructure. Notably, the Patriot air-defense system, provided by the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands, has proven effective in defending against Russian missile attacks. The Contact Group has also supplied other critical air-defense systems such as IRIS-T and NASAMS.

Addressing the media, Secretary Austin outlined the agenda for the meeting, which included briefings from Ukraine's representatives and discussions on accelerating industrial production for critical defense systems. He emphasized the need to explore innovative ways to enhance industrial capacity to meet Ukraine's defense requirements.

In closing, Secretary Austin reiterated the high stakes involved in Ukraine's defense, underscoring the justness of the cause and the unwavering determination to stand up for Ukraine's sovereignty and freedom. The meeting concluded with the Secretary giving the media an opportunity to depart.

The 12th Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting showcased the united front presented by international partners in support of Ukraine's fight against aggression. As Ukraine continues its struggle, the commitments made by participating nations emphasize their enduring dedication to Ukraine's defense and their shared vision of a sovereign and secure Ukraine.

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