Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Polish Minister of National Defence Mariusz Błaszczak Opening Remarks at Pentagon Meeting

 Oct. 6, 2021

Secretary Of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III; Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister Of National Defence Of The Republic Of Poland

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LLOYD J. AUSTIN III: Well, Minister Błaszczak, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the Pentagon. 


SEC. AUSTIN: Our countries share a special bond --

MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND MARIUSZ BŁASZCZAK: I understand. Secretary Austin, I understand. Thank you very much for -- for translation. I understand, sir.

SEC. AUSTIN: Okay. Your -- your English is very, very strong, sir.


Our countries share a special bond that stretches back to America's founding era when Polish heroes helped lead the Continental Army to victory. We fought side by side with Polish soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have personally fought side by side with your soldiers and I'll always remember their courage and their professionalism.

Our ties have deepened through 20 years of shared sacrifice and the United States of America will be forever grateful.

Now, when Poland joined NATO in 1999, you affirmed your deep commitment to the mutual security of our Alliance. In 2014, as the security environment in Europe became more uncertain, the United States began deploying rotational combat forces across NATO's eastern flank, the majority of which operated in Poland and continue to do so to this day.

In the last year, our countries signed an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement providing even greater support to U.S. personnel serving in Poland. It's a great example of your commitment to shared responsibility, and we're excited to build upon this important relationship which is rooted in our shared values and shared history.

Our two countries are committed more than ever to NATO's collective security and regional stability, especially along NATO's eastern flank. We will continue to work together to enhance NATO's defense and deterrence capabilities and to ensure that the transatlantic bond remains strong.

And so, Mr. Minister, thank you again for being here. And I look forward to our discussions.

MIN. BŁASZCZAK: Thank you very much, Secretary Austin. It's my pleasure to be in Washington again to discuss with you, Mr. Secretary, the ever-stronger Polish-American defense cooperation which is instrumental in meeting a number of common security challenges. 

A durable and robust U.S. engagement in Europe, and particularly on NATO's eastern flank, is fundamental for the cohesion of the Alliance, effective deterrence and stability of the whole Euro-Atlantic area. By the same token, the U.S. military presence in Poland continues to be a central pillar of our current and future bilateral cooperation and of our common response to the security challenges to NATO. Let me express here my deep satisfaction with the progress achieved so far in bolstering our defense ties. 

I would like to highlight the ongoing smooth implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement and of its related arrangements, which constitutes the basis for the increased U.S. military presence on the territory of Poland. I also welcome the activation of the V Corps Headquarters Poland and the appointment of the General Joks, who is here with me today, as its deputy commander.

We are also continuing vigorous efforts to enhance our defense capabilities by acquiring state-of-the-art U.S.-made military equipment including the F-35 aircraft, Abrams tanks, HIMARS and Patriot system, to name but a few of the most prominent examples.

Mr. Secretary, I am looking forward to discussing with you how we can further enhance our already strong defense cooperation. Thank you.

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