Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Department of Defense Offers Mental Health Resources for Service Members and Their Families

 Aug. 18, 2021

You are not alone. Remember that what is happening now does not minimize or negate the experiences of all who served overseas. Countless service members answered the call of duty and did what was asked of them. Service is never for naught. Think about the times when valor and courage changed lives for the better. Focus on the present and what feels meaningful to you in this moment. Our veterans served honorably and completed missions as required and as necessary – protecting our freedoms and we are forever grateful for their service.

Talking can be very therapeutic, whether it’s to a local chaplain, psychologist or someone you served with in the military. Do what feels right for you. There is not one way to think or feel or act. The important thing is to take advantage of the numerous mental health care resources that are available to you.

Remember that this is one moment in time and regardless of what comes next, we will get through it together. Arctic. The Department is currently determining the appropriate location for the center.

The following resources are available:

The Real Warriors Campaign aims to break down the stigma associated with mental health care and encourages service members to reach out for help when they need it. Find articles with support resources, video profiles with service member and veteran stories, and materials to download or order at

The Psychological Health Resource Center is available 24/7 for service members, veterans, and family members with questions about psychological health topics. Trained mental health consultants can help callers access mental health care and community support resources in their local area. or call 866-966-1020 for assistance.

The inTransition Program is a free confidential program that provides specialized coaching and assistance for service members, National Guard members, reservists, veterans, and retirees who need access to mental health care when relocating to another assignment, returning from deployment, transitioning between active duty and reserve component, preparing to leave military service, or any other time they need a new mental health provider, or need a provider for the first time.  or call 800-424-7877

The Military Crisis Line, text-messaging service, and online chat provide free VA support for all Service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserve, and all Veterans, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.  Call: 1-800-273-8255 and press 1.  Text: 838255  Chat:

TRICARE offers mental health care to all its enrollees. Find out how by visiting This website also contains links to mental health providers through the TRICARE network.

Military Medical Treatment Facilities often provide mental health services, including integrated behavioral health clinics. Contact your primary care manager to see if this resource is available at your local MTF. If it is, you can schedule an appointment same day. Find out more by visiting

Military OneSource can provide access to confidential Military Family Life Counselors in your community:  or by calling 1-800-342-9647.

Military OneSource also provides resources so you can manage stress and access benefits and tools that will help you stay strong in body and mind. This page provides access to self-care mobile applications developed within the Department of Defense, Veteran Affairs and other partners. All mobile applications are free and for iOS and/or Android devices.

Military Health System Web Pages.  There are two sources of information on the Military Health System websites.  Specific links listed at the bottom of this page.  They are: and

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