Sunday, July 04, 2021

Road Trip Day Twelve: The Crinkle Cut Fry


I spent the day with my daughter Grace and her family.  My grandson, Liam and I went to Walmart.  He is very bright and energetic eight-year-old.  He has a vocabulary beyond his years; which he is not afraid to use.  He guided me through Walmart and made excellent suggestions about my purchases.  He and picked out a birthday card and gift for his mother.  After accomplishing our mission we reward ourselves at Dunkin Donuts. 

Grace’s in-laws, Ernie and Donna Dulac, graciously hosted a 4th of July celebration.  They have a beautiful home in the forests of Maine.  The picture is looking down their drive-way.  Although it was in the high 50s and raining Ernie managed to BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers.  The Dulac extended family arrived throughout the afternoon providing a feast of side dishes.  The celebration was only marred by Grace and I verbally browbeating her husband over the issue of which is the best French fry.  The crux of the disagreement was the utility of the crinkle-cut fry.  We argued, rather forcefully, that for the purposes of purchasing, storing and preparing in the home, the crinkle-cut fry is without peer.

Tomorrow we have a Devil’s Breakfast planned the Dulac’s.  And, then an early dinner with other extended family. 

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