Saturday, July 24, 2021

Readout of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl's Meeting With Croatian Minister of Defence Mario Banožić

 July 23, 2021

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Jamal Brown provided the following readout: 

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl met with Croatian Minister of Defence Mario Banožić at the Pentagon today to reaffirm the importance of the U.S.-Croatia bilateral defense relationship and further strengthen our strategic Alliance. Dr. Kahl emphasized the U.S. commitment to collaborating within NATO and helping Croatia meet its NATO capability targets.

The two leaders discussed regional security, Euro-Atlantic integration, COVID-19 and mutual concerns over malign influence in the region. Dr. Kahl thanked Minister Banožić for Croatia’s impressive history of contributions to coalition operations, including Kosovo Force and NATO Mission Iraq.

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