Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Leading practices from Los Angeles County: Innovative strategies for Veteran crisis intervention & suicide prevention

This webinar will provide an overview of the comprehensive and collaborative prevention, intervention and postvention efforts occurring in Los Angeles County to prevent Veteran suicide and to help Veterans thrive in the community.

By attending this webinar, the audience will take away an understanding of how Los Angeles County is working to better the lives of Veterans in the community.

All attendees will learn about different prevention programs, newly developed crisis intervention/de-escalation processes, postvention supportive programs and available culture training for first responders.

Attendees will better understand the scope of the problem within the Veteran community and leave the session with ideas, resources and points of contact for further questions.


Captain John Gannon – Mental Evaluation Team/Co-Response Program Commander

Sgt Rich “Bojo” Bojorquez – Mental Evaluation Team – Veteran Liaison Supervisor

Dr Piero D’Ingillo – LASD Psychological Services Bureau – CIT Instructor

Dave Weiner – CEO, Secure Measures, LLC, Retired Chief of Police

Certificates of Attendance

All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Webinar Recording

All Associate and Active Level IPSA members will have access to the webinar recording. If you're not a member, we'd like to invite you to join today.


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