Thursday, May 27, 2021

Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the Confirmation of Christine Wormuth as Secretary of the Army

 May 27, 2021

“Throughout her trailblazing career, Christine Wormuth has dedicated herself to advancing and protecting the national security interests of the American people.  Through a series of high-level assignments – to include duty as the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Force Development – she has informed and led some of the most consequential decisions and operations critical to our defense,  from the counter-ISIS campaign to the rebalance to Asia.  Christine’s leadership, vision and deep expertise will be essential as we focus our attention on new threats and new challenges confronting our military.  I am confident she will ensure the United States Army is ready to meet those challenges.

I thank the Senate for their historic confirmation of Christine as the first woman to hold the important position of Secretary of the Army.  As I once said, she will lead our soldiers and represent their families with honor and integrity. There is no better person for the job, and I am looking forward to her joining the team.” – Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

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