Thursday, May 20, 2021

Readout of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl Phone Call With U.K. Director General, Strategy and International Angus Lapsley

 May 19, 2021

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Jamal Brown provided the following readout:

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl held an introductory phone call with his U.K. counterpart, Angus Lapsley, Director General, Strategy and International, U.K. Ministry of Defence. They underscored the importance of U.S.-U.K. defense cooperation to address a range of global security challenges.

The two leaders discussed the U.K.’s implementation of its Integrated Review and the upcoming Carrier Strike Group 21 deployment, and touched on ways to deepen collaboration and interoperability. They also discussed the upcoming NATO Defense Ministerial, NATO Summit, and Afghanistan. Dr. Kahl thanked the U.K. for its leadership in defense capability investment, modernization, and the Resolute Support Mission.

Both leaders committed to continuing U.S.-U.K. collaboration and strengthening the special relationship.

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