Thursday, May 06, 2021

Readout of Under Secretary of Defense Dr. Colin H. Kahl Phone Call With Indian Defense Secretary Dr. Ajay Kumar

 May 6, 2021

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Jamal Brown provided the following readout:
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin H. Kahl spoke with Indian Defense Secretary Dr. Ajay Kumar by phone today.  Dr. Kahl underscored the United States’ commitment to support the people of India as they battle a surge in COVID-19 cases.  Dr. Kahl assured Defense Secretary Kumar that U.S. Defense Department will continue to stand by India in its moment of need and support U.S. assistance efforts in the days and weeks ahead.  

Dr. Kahl and Dr. Kumar highlighted the enduring strength of the U.S.-India strategic partnership, noting that the bonds between the two nations have only deepened in times of crisis. They reiterated their commitment to working closely with like-minded countries – including Quadrilateral partners – to address the defining challenges of our time.

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