Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Secretary of Defense Statement on Senate Confirmation of Dr. Colin Kahl

 April 27, 2021

The following statement is attributable to Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III:

“I am grateful to the Senate for confirming Dr. Colin Kahl to serve as the next Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.  Dr. Kahl’s vast experience within the Department’s Policy office, at the White House, as well as his work with think tanks and academia, make him uniquely qualified for this position. He is the right person to head up the Policy team as we work to address the national security challenges presented by our number one pacing challenge - China, and to effectively deter nation-state threats from Russia, Iran and North Korea, while disrupting terrorist threats to our homeland emanating from various locations around the globe.  I thank Dr. Kahl for his continued commitment to public service and I look forward to working together.”

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