Thursday, April 22, 2021

Readout of Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks Phone Call With U.K. Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Defence David Williams

 April 20, 2021

Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks held an introductory phone call with recently appointed U.K. Permanent Secretary for Defence David Williams to reaffirm the special U.S.-UK relationship and discuss security issues of mutual interest.

The two leaders discussed Afghanistan, Russian destabilizing actions, and support to Ukraine. Mr. Williams also shared his views on the Ministry of Defence’s approach to implementing the UK’s Integrated Review. The leaders look forward to convening the U.S.-UK Defense Dialogue later this year to discuss issues such as technology cooperation and innovation.

Both leaders expressed their commitment to deepening the U.S.-U.K. defense relationship and contributing to each other’s defense strategy development and implementation. 

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