Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Readout of Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks Phone Call With U.K. Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Defense Sir Stephen Lovegrove

 March 10, 2021

Deputy Secretary of Defense Dr. Kathleen Hicks held an introductory phone call with U.K. Permanent Secretary for Defense Sir Stephen Lovegrove to reaffirm the continuing importance of U.S.-U.K. defense cooperation.

The two leaders exchanged views on defense priorities and discussed the expected release of the UK’s Integrated Review later this month.  They also discussed Carrier Strike Group 21, an upcoming joint U.S.-UK deployment which will include U.S. Marine Corps F-35s, Marines and Sailors, embarked onboard the HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH on her inaugural deployment.

Lovegrove and Hicks congratulated each other on their new appointments: Hicks to Deputy Secretary of Defense and Lovegrove to U.K. National Security Adviser. Both leaders expressed their commitment to deepening the U.S.-U.K. defense relationship.

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