Monday, March 22, 2021

Readout of Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Ms. Amanda Dory Phone Call With U.K. Director General, Strategy and International, Mr. Angus Lapsley

 March 19, 2021

Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Ms. Amanda Dory held a phone call with U.K. Director General, Strategy and International, Mr. Angus Lapsley to reaffirm their commitment to deepening the transatlantic relationship. 

The leaders discussed the publication of the U.K.’s Integrated Review of Security, Defense, Development, and Foreign Policy; or Integrated Review. Ms. Dory welcomed its emphasis on the transatlantic alliance and Indo-Pacific region, and noted that its publication follows the U.K.’s recent announcement of its largest increase in defense spending in thirty years.

Ms. Dory congratulated the U.K. on the publication of this sweeping review and looks forward to continuing close collaboration with the U.K. MoD as it begins implementation.

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