Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Statement on Carrier Strike Group 2021 Joint Declaration Signing

 Jan. 19, 2021

Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and UK Secretary of State for Defense Ben Wallace have co-signed the Joint Declaration for the Carrier Strike Group 2021 deployment. 

The Joint Declaration enables the deployment of U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy personnel and equipment, including a detachment of U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft and the Navy’s USS THE SULLIVANS (DDG-68), as part of a UK-U.S. combined carrier strike group, led by the UK’s aircraft carrier, HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH. 

This deployment underscores the strength of our bilateral ties and demonstrates U.S.-UK interoperability, both of which are key tenets of the U.S. National Defense Strategy.

The leaders look forward to seeing the culmination of nearly a decade of U.S.-UK carrier cooperation when Carrier Strike Group 2021 sets sail from Portsmouth, UK later this year.

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