Friday, December 18, 2020

New Solicitation: Research on Juvenile Reoffending, Fiscal Year 2021

 With this solicitation, NIJ, in collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, seeks proposals for rigorous research projects that improve measurement of juvenile reoffending. NIJ encourages applicants to submit proposals for studies that advance knowledge and understanding of juvenile reoffending and aid jurisdictions and juvenile justice agencies in measuring and using juvenile reoffending data appropriately in their efforts to identify priorities, develop responses, and monitor and assess policies and programs.

In FY 2021, applications will be submitted in a new two-step process, each with its own deadline:

  1. Submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in
    Step 1,, Deadline: February 22, 2021, by 11:59 PM ET
  2. Submit the full application including attachments in JustGrants.
    Step 2, Application JustGrants, Deadline: March 8, 2021, by 11:59 PM ET


Applicants must register with and register with JustGrants prior to submitting an application.

This solicitation is competitive; therefore, NIJ staff cannot have individual conversations with prospective applicants. Any questions concerning the solicitation should be submitted to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service: 1-800-851-3420; TTY at 301-240-6310 (for hearing impaired only); email; fax 301-240-5830; or web chat. See also's solicitation FAQ page.

The following application elements MUST be included in the application submission for an application to meet the basic minimum requirements to advance to peer review and receive consideration for funding: Program Narrative, Budget Worksheet and Budget Narrative, and resumes/curriculum vitae of key personnel. Make sure to also go over the application checklist provided in the solicitation before submitting.

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