Thursday, October 22, 2020

Readout of Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper's Remarks at Day One of the NATO Defense Ministerial

 Oct. 22, 2020

Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper participated in his sixth NATO Defense Ministerial as the U.S. Defense Secretary today, providing remarks during a session where Allies focused on strengthening deterrence and defense, and improving resilience.

The Secretary focused on strengthening deterrence and defense, equitable burden sharing, and Alliance unity, using the Department’s new initiative, the “Guidance for Development of Alliances and Partnerships,” as a guide for the discussion.

The Secretary discussed challenges posed by increased Russian aggression, including concerns over their growing missile capabilities. He also addressed the risks of depending on the People’s Republic of China for technology and critical infrastructure as they continue to undermine the international global order.

Secretary Esper welcomed the progress that Allies have made towards acquiring and strengthening conventional capabilities. He also emphasized the importance of fulfilling NATO-assigned capability targets to ensure NATO has the ready forces and equipment necessary to deter and counter any threat.

Secretary Esper reiterated the importance of all Allies meeting the goals of the 2014 Wales Defense Investment Pledge, including spending two percent of GDP on defense, even as the Alliance faces challenging economic times during the COVID pandemic. He also welcomed the announcement that 2020 marks the sixth consecutive year of increased Allied defense spending.

Secretary Esper reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to and confidence in the NATO Alliance as we confront the security challenges of the 21st century.

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