Saturday, October 17, 2020

Joint Statement Regarding Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper's Meeting With Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto

 Oct. 16, 2020

Today, Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper met with Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto at the Pentagon to discuss regional security, bilateral defense priorities, and defense acquisitions. Secretary Esper communicated the importance of upholding human rights, the rule of law, and professionalization as the two countries expand their engagement.  Minister Subianto expressed the importance of military engagement at all levels, and communicated his appreciation for the United States' support for Indonesia’s defense modernization. Both leaders shared their desire to enhance bilateral military-to-military activities and work together on maritime security.

Secretary Esper and Minister Prabowo signed a Memorandum of Intent to advance the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency’s efforts to re-start its work in Indonesia to recover the remains of U.S. personnel lost in Indonesia during World War II.  Both leaders expressed sympathies to those affected by COVID-19 in the United States and Indonesia.

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