Friday, September 11, 2020

Joint Press Statement for the 18th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue

 Sept. 11, 2020

The Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the United States (U.S.) Department of Defense (DOD) held the 18th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) September 9-10, 2020. Due to ongoing travel restrictions related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the two sides held a robust exchange on a range of ROK-U.S. Alliance priorities via secure video teleconference. ROK Deputy Minister Chung Sukhwan and David Helvey performing the duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia Heino Klinck led their respective delegations.

The leaders underscored the importance of strengthening the combined readiness posture of the ROK-U.S. Alliance to address the current security environment on the Korean Peninsula as well as mutual regional security concerns. The two sides also committed to continue bilateral security cooperation including senior-level policy consultations, information sharing, and personnel exchanges to promote peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and throughout Northeast Asia. 

Concurring on the importance of establishing stable access to training facilities and other critical sites and resources as essential to maintaining a steadfast combined defense posture, the two leaders also reviewed the progress made in the combined joint multi-purpose live firing range joint study and discussed the way ahead to ensure continued progress in advance of this fall’s Security Consultative Meeting (SCM).

Both sides also reaffirmed the common objectives of establishing permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula and the complete denuclearization of North Korea. The delegations agreed to continue close coordination on the implementation of the Armistice Agreement, Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA), and other relevant agreements.

The two leaders additionally reviewed the progress made in relocating the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC) headquarters and committed to expeditiously pursue the CFC HQ relocation.

The delegation heads affirmed the progress made in preparation for eventual wartime OPCON transition. They also concurred that the Combined Command Post Training (CCPT) in August was a step toward realizing the conditions necessary for FOC certification. Both sides recognized the importance of the ROK forces’ acquisition of critical military capabilities and committed to continue joint assessments through meetings of the special Permanent Military Committee (sPMC) to ensure a successful outcome. Both sides will provide a progress report on COTP requirements and discuss next steps at the SCM later this year.

The two sides celebrated the recent completion of the Comprehensive Joint Study on Extended Deterrence and discussed a range of issues to improve the Alliance’s effective deterrence against North Korean nuclear and missile threats. Moving forward, the two sides committed to enhancing the efficacy of the tailored deterrence strategy.

Both delegations noted that the KIDD reaffirmed the steadfast solidarity of the ROK-U.S. Alliance and further strengthened coordination between the respective defense authorities of the two countries. The leaders pledged to advance the aforementioned issues at the SCM in October, 2020.  

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