Thursday, August 20, 2020

Setting the Example: 31st MEU Marines Clean Up Kin Blue Beach


Reveille was at 5:30 a.m. on the morning of July 25. Combined Anti-Armor Team 1 had completed its platoon internal training at Kin Blue, Okinawa, Japan, the night before. The Marines were all tired and ready to go home, but CAAT 1 had one more task to complete.

CAAT 1 is part of Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. After spending three days and nights patrolling and practicing basic infantry skills in the heat, the team spent the morning clearing the beach of trash and debris that had washed up over time.

Marines and sailors who use the area for training are expected to clean it after training is complete, but CAAT 1 decided to take it a step further by cleaning the beach and all the washed-up trash as well. The Marines were happy to volunteer and show appreciation to the community.

Marines pick up trash on a beach.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all personnel assigned to the 31st MEU are required to maintain a strict bubble. Interactions between MEU and non-MEU personnel were strictly prohibited following the appearance of case clusters throughout Okinawa. While unable to interact with anyone from the local community, the Marines of CAAT 1 hope to demonstrate gratitudes and respect for the island through simple actions whenever possible.

Although Kin Blue is a training area, the beach is opened to the public in March every year for an event called Hama Uri. At the traditional Okinawan event, women go to the ocean to pray for their health and purify themselves by dipping their feet and hands in the water. Camp Hansen and Kin Town have been opening Kin Blue to local residents during Hama Uri for more than 20 years.

''With all the negativity going on in the world, even one positive action can help in a major way,'' said Marine Corps Sgt. Collin Rogers, a squad leader with CAAT 1, ''As leaders, we can't just think about ourselves.''

Rogers said that after the training was complete, CAAT 1 cleaned the entire training area as expected. Noticing the beach was covered in trash that had washed up from the ocean, platoon leadership decided to leave the beach better than they found it to demonstrate respect for the environment they are allowed to operate in.

Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Steven Habon, platoon sergeant of CAAT 1, said he wants his up-and-coming leaders to know that this is how Marine leaders are expected to act.

Marines pose for a group photo following a beach cleanup.

''Hopefully, we become the example for the battalion,'' Habon said. ''Our goal is to inspire the units that come after us, to demonstrate service through action in order to strengthen the bond between the Marine Corps and the people of Okinawa.''

''It really was a great way to end training,'' said Marine Corps Sgt. Michael Asbell, a squad leader. ''Given the current circumstances, I don't think there's a better way to show respect to the community.''

The Marines of the 31st MEU hope that, by similar actions, they can continue to express gratitude for the opportunity to be in Okinawa, Asbell said.

The 31st MEU, the Marine Corps' only continuously forward-deployed MEU, provides a flexible force ready to perform a wide range of military operations as the premier crisis response force in the Indo-Pacific region. The 31st MEU has implemented strict health protection measures and will continue to conduct mission essential training in support of regional security and stability, officials said.

(Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kolby Leger is assigned to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.)

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