Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Ohio Guard Continues to Support Food Bank


Since mid-March, hundreds of service members from the Ohio National Guard have been serving in response to Gov. Mike DeWine's request for support in the state's fight against COVID-19.

Soldiers wearing face masks load food into waiting vehicles.

Recently, funding to extend the mission through Dec. 31 was approved to support the different aspects of the response. One of the more familiar missions is assisting food bank partners to address food insecurity across the state.

"I've been on the food bank support mission for about four weeks now, and morale is high here," Army 1st Sgt. Warren Barrett of the Ohio Army National Guard's 371st Sustainment Brigade, said. "Everyone wants to be here helping the community for as long as it takes."

As relief efforts continue across the state, service members assisting food banks continue to build strong relationships with the communities they serve.

Soldiers wearing face masks load food into waiting vehicles.

"Right now, we are serving hundreds of families a day," Army Spc. Levi Brown of the Ohio Army National Guard's 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, said. "My favorite thing here is the kids' lunch program. I really enjoy getting to meet the kids and serve them lunch."

As the food bank mission continues, Ohio Guard leaders are constantly analyzing where, when and how the Guard's assets are critically needed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

(Army Sgt. 1st Class Thomas Vega is assigned to the 371st Sustainment Brigade.)

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