Friday, August 14, 2020

General Officer Announcements

 Aug. 14, 2020

Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper announced today that the president has made the following nominations:

Air Force Lt. Gen. David W. Allvin for appointment to the rank of general with assignment as vice chief of staff, United States Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.  Allvin is currently serving as director for strategy, plans, and policy, J-5, Joint Staff; and senior member, United States Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff Committee, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.

Air Force Maj. Gen. James C. Dawkins, Jr., for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general with assignment as deputy chief of staff, Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, Headquarters United States Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.  Dawkins is currently serving as director, Global Power Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.

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