Thursday, June 25, 2020

Returning to Normal Operations on the Pentagon Reservation: Phase Two

June 25, 2020

DOD Chief Management Officer Lisa Hershman has approved the transition to Phase Two of the Pentagon Reservation Resilience Plan, which will move the Pentagon Reservation to Health Condition Bravo effective 5 a.m. EDT, Monday, June 29, 2020. Both Armed Forces Retirement Home campuses, in Washington, D.C, and Gulfport, Mississippi, will remain at Health Protection Condition Delta, the highest level of protection, due to the vulnerable residents and healthcare workers at our retirement homes.

The Secretary of Defense's number one priority during the COVID-19 pandemic is protecting our workforce. The decision to move to Phase Two took into account health data provided by state, district and local governments in the National Capital Region, as well as nearby military installations. The decision was based on:

  • No evidence of disease rebounding in the NCR.
  • 14-day downward trajectory of influenza-like illness and COVID-like symptoms within a 50-mile radius of the Pentagon.
  • 14-day downward trajectory in COVID cases and positive test results in the general population.
  • Adequate health care and robust testing capabilities in state and local health care systems and military medical treatment facilities within a 50-mile radius.
  • Mandatory stay-at-home orders within a 50-mile radius of the Pentagon are lifted.
  • Sufficient cleaning, disinfectants, and hygiene supplies are available.

Main differences that may be seen starting Monday are a greater increase of people in workspaces, more open concessions, and the reopening of the Corridor 9 pedestrian bridge pedestrian booth (Connector/Press Lot). Detailed information about Phase Two may be found at and the posted Workplace Re-Entry Guide During COVID-19.

Key facets of the plan for Phase Two include:

  • Phase Two specifies supervisor-planned cohort or alternating schedules with no more than 80% of mission and non-mission essential employees in the office space.  Telework at 20% or more is encouraged, especially for vulnerable populations.  
  • Cloth face coverings are mandatory on the Pentagon Reservation where you cannot maintain 6 feet of social distancing.  Gatherings are limited to fewer than 50 people with adequate social distancing. 
  • Employees should take their temperatures before reporting for work each day. Employees should stay at home for 3 days and notify their supervisor if they have a 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher temperature or are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, including loss of sense of taste or smell.
  • Personnel entering a DoD-managed office building will notice random temperature and question screening in place to protect the workforce.
  • Parking exceptions for COVID-19 are still in place.  General parking for COVID-19 Temporary Parking Clearances is based on a “first come, first served” basis.  If parking spaces become full, overflow parking is available at the Mark Center North Parking garage.  Permit holders should park in their designated areas. Please check for the most recent Building Circular or the COVID-19 Parking Plan for details. 

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