Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Maryland National Guard Supports COVID-19 Test Site

May 26, 2020 | BY Army Maj. Kurt Rauschenberg , Maryland National Guard

Soldiers from the Maryland Army National Guard's 115th Military Police Battalion are supporting the first state-sponsored, community-based COVID-19 testing site at the Carroll County Agriculture Center in Westminster, Maryland.

Under normal circumstances, the center would be gearing up for spring and summer community events such as farmer's markets, tractor pulls and fairs. This year, however, the Carroll County Agriculture Center will be supporting the community with a different type of service: COVID-19 testing.

As the day came to open the large bay doors to community members in need of COVID-19 testing May 14, medical providers, health planners and volunteers were joined by soldiers from the Maryland Army National Guard to get things moving.

When the Maryland National Guard was activated in mid-March, the 115th Military Police Battalion began supporting the state's first testing site at FedEx Field in Landover and at other subsequent sites. More than 300 soldiers, eager to help their fellow Marylanders, supported these missions.

"We've supported the majority of screening and testing sites throughout the state, which in many ways is the main effort at this stage in the fight [against COVID-19]," said Army Lt. Col. Rob Wille, the commander of the 115th Military Police Battalion.

Wille said lessons learned at FedEx Field allowed for more effective and efficient testing throughout the state, including the one  in Carroll County. Many of the tasks these soldiers perform at the testing sites are inherent to their military police functions, he noted.

"The National Guard is often seen as a reassuring presence, because we're called on in times of real need or crisis," Wille said. "In most cases, our soldiers are of the local communities in which they serve. They know the people and the areas."

In Westminster, the Carroll County Health Department and Board of Commissioners recognized the need to bring these resources to the community, but it took additional partnerships to make it happen. Within the local health department are volunteers from Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps, a community-based, civilian, volunteer program; the county Department of Public Safety; Emergency Management; Public Works; and the sheriff's office.

"Our partners appreciate us safely managing the vehicle and pedestrian flow in and out of the sites," Wille said. "The Maryland National Guard providing this support allows local resources to focus on all other routine operations, this all helps increase public safety."

County Commissioner Board President Stephen Wantz, visited the testing site on its first operational day to personally thank all the partners.

"Having the guard on board is a tremendous help with the operation of this new community testing site," Wantz said. "They are providing an invaluable service to our residents and the region."

Joining Wantz was Carroll County Health Officer Ed Singer, who is no stranger to the Maryland National Guard.

Singer said the support from the guard is extremely helpful, because the Health Department staff is stretched so thin with COVID-19 testing teams, contact tracing, surge planning, personal protective equipment management and more.

Singer served in the Maryland National Guard from 1987 to 2002, and reflected on serving alongside some family members of the soldiers at the testing site and others in the guard still serving at the forefront of the crisis.

"The National Guard sure is a small world," Singer said.

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