Friday, May 01, 2020

DOD Invests $3.6 Million for the Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research Competition Winners

May 1, 2020

The Department of Defense has selected six collaborative teams as winners of the Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) competition. Each team will receive up to $600,000 over a three-year period of performance to pursue science and engineering research in areas relevant to DOD initiatives supporting the National Defense Strategy.

DEPSCoR is a congressionally-mandated, capacity-building program managed by the Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology (DDRE(R&T)) within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. The program strengthens basic research infrastructure at institutions of higher education in under-utilized states and territories.
The competition was open to tenured and tenure-track faculty members with appointments in the 37 states and territories eligible to compete for DEPSCoR funds. It introduces potential researchers to the DOD’s unique research challenges and its supportive research ecosystem.

“Every State has a vital role to play in America’s research competitiveness, and every State has researchers capable of important contributions to the Department of Defense's scientific and technological advancement,” said Dr. JihFen Lei, acting director of DDRE(R&T). “It is crucial that we build a Department of Defense research community that leaves no state behind and takes advantage of each state’s unique research strength.”

For the fiscal year 2019 competition, the DOD received more than 200 white papers, from which subject-matter experts in the military services selected the final six collaborative teams. Universities in Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin lead the selected teams.
In addition to awards announced under this funding opportunity announcement, as part of the DEPSCoR initiative, the program also provided supplemental funds to increase the representation of DEPSCoR-eligible researchers within the DOD basic research enterprise. These funds were awarded to each military service’s Young Investigator Program and Defense University Research Instrumentation Program as well as the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program, DOD’s most prestigious single-investigator award.

For a list of the winning teams, click here.

For more information on DEPSCoR, click here.

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) is responsible for the research, development, and prototyping activities across the Department of Defense.  OUSD(R&E) fosters technological dominance across the DoD enterprise to ensure the advantage of the American warfighter. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter:  @DoDCTO.

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