Tuesday, March 12, 2019

United States Attorney Lydon Hosts Discussion on China’s Threat to America’s National Security

Columbia, South Carolina --- United States Attorney Sherri A. Lydon announced today that she hosted a discussion entitled, “China’s Threat to Our National Security: An Economic and Private Sector Perspective.”  The discussion featured William R. Evanina, Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) in Washington, DC; Douglas Hemminghaus, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of National Security and Cyber in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Columbia field office; and David P. Burns, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Department of Justice’s National Security Division.  In this first-of-its-kind meeting, NCSC and the Justice Department briefed members of the legal and business communities, heads of chambers of commerce, academics, and legislators about China’s threats to our nation’s economic prosperity.

More than 90% of the Department of Justice’s cases alleging economic espionage over the past seven years involved China.  Over two-thirds of the Department’s cases involving thefts of trade secrets are connected to China. The talk aimed to educate attendees about economic threats posed by China, build bridges between law enforcement and law-abiding members of the business community, and ensure that attendees and their employers know that the federal government stands ready to help should they face data breaches, insider threats, or trade secret theft.

 “The Department of Justice and the FBI will use all available tools to respond to China’s economic aggression and the threat that these actions pose to the prosperity and security of the United States and other nations that respect the rule of law,” said U.S. Attorney Lydon.  “Law enforcement cannot fight this battle alone, however.  We need our corporate citizens to be informed and vigilant about protecting themselves from victimization in this area.  The conversation we had today is just the first step in what will be an ongoing dialogue with the business community.”

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