Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mattis, Indonesian Counterpart Reaffirm Defense Relationship

WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary James N. Mattis met with Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu at the Pentagon today to reaffirm the long-standing defense relationship between the United States and Indonesia.

In a statement summarizing the meeting, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said the two defense leaders discussed a broad range of defense issues, and that Mattis thanked Ryacudu for his country’s leadership in the region.

“Secretary Mattis highlighted the broad range of U.S.-Indonesia security cooperation activities,” White said.
“They agreed to work with regional partners to expand maritime domain awareness cooperation,” she added, “particularly enforcement of United Nations Security Council resolutions to combat transnational threats such as piracy, illegal and unregulated fishing, and illicit trafficking.”

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