Saturday, July 07, 2018

Mattis Plans Visits to Croatia, Norway After Attending NATO Summit

WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary James N. Mattis plans to visit Croatia and Norway next week after he attends NATO’s summit, Defense Department officials announced today.

The secretary leaves July 10 for the July 11-12 meeting of NATO’s heads of state and government.

In Brussels, Mattis will join President Donald J. Trump and leaders of allied and partner nations at the NATO summit to reinforce U.S. priorities, including more equitable burden sharing, strengthening the alliance’s deterrence and defense capabilities and enhancing NATO’s role in fighting terrorism, officials said.

The secretary then will travel to Zagreb, Croatia, where officials said he will meet with defense ministers of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter to reinforce U.S. support to southeast Europe.
The secretary’s final stop on his overseas trip is Oslo, Norway, where he will meet with Norwegian Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen and Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide.

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