Saturday, July 28, 2018

Mattis, Omani Foreign Minister Discuss Defense Relationship

WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary James N. Mattis and Omani Foreign Affairs Minister Yusuf bin Alawi discussed a range of regional security issues as well as ways to strengthen the two countries’ defense relationship during their meeting at the Pentagon today, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said in a statement.

Mattis and the senior Omani official reaffirmed the longstanding defense relationship between the United States and Oman, White said.

Regional Security Issues

The two leaders, she added, also discussed a broad range of regional security issues, including the conflict in Yemen, freedom of navigation and multilateral counterterrorism cooperation.

Mattis said Oman is a vital U.S. security partner in the Middle East, White said. The two leaders, she added, also are exploring ways to strengthen their bilateral defense cooperation.

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