Thursday, May 10, 2018

Face of Defense: Airmen Make Service a Family Affair

By Robert Lingley, 21st Space Wing

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Air Force 1st Lt. Emily Lagarile and Capt. Scott Lagarile are stationed at Cavalier Air Force Station, North Dakota, less than 20 miles from the U.S. border with Canada. Winters can be rough, and the closest fast food joint is 25 miles away. It may be the Air Force’s only isolated installation in the continental United States, but that doesn’t separate these two U.S. Air Force Academy graduates.

Emily is the chief of training for the 10th Space Warning Squadron, and Scott is the 10th Space Warning Squadron’s chief of weapons and tactics. Their time at the Air Force Academy overlapped for two years, but the Lagariles didn’t meet until early in their careers when they both were assigned to the 20th Space Control Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.

Military, Family

Just over two and a half years later they married.

Emily is originally from Kansas City, Kansas, and is the third generation of her family to serve, graduating from the Air Force Academy in 2015. Scott is a second-generation U.S. citizen who followed his father’s legacy of military service by first enlisting in the Air Force as a special operations aircraft maintainer. He then went to the Air Force Academy and commissioned in 2013.

Scott works to build better techniques and procedures for the phased-array radar weapon system while also providing advanced training to better prepare space operators. Emily ensures new operators are well prepared to execute the missile warning and space situational awareness missions.

The Lagariles delayed their honeymoon, but finally went on it this month.

“We were excited to finally go on our honeymoon this month and traveled all over Southeast Asia,” Scott said.

Watching the Skies

Scott and Emily operate the Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System to protect the nation’s northern border from strategic missile attack, providing critical missile warning capability to U.S. leaders.

In addition to providing missile warning, Scott said they also employ the PARCS weapon system’s Space Situational Awareness capability, and bring vital space object identification data to the intelligence community.

Since arriving here, Scott and Emily have found a variety of hobbies, including shooting, cooking, board games and going to the base gym. Emily is also an avid runner and is training for the Leadville Trail 100 Run, held in Leadville, Colorado, in August.

“Living here is definitely different from our previous assignment in Florida,” Emily said. “We’re pretty isolated and a trip to the nearest big city takes an hour and a half each way. We live on base and the community up here is great. Our squadron is pretty close and spends a lot of time together because it’s a remote assignment.”

Whenever they have time to travel they try to take advantage of the surrounding area and frequent places like Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

“The squadron has also given us the chance to truly embrace all that North Dakota has to offer, like fishing, ice fishing, dog sledding and even curling,” Emily said.
The Lagariles love their jobs and think it’s great that they both understand the language of space and the Air Force and the struggles that come with the job. Working opposite schedules can be difficult, but Emily and Scott said they are proud to serve their country together and have only grown closer through their experiences.

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