Tuesday, October 10, 2017

California National Guard Mobilizes to Help Battle Massive Wildfires

By Steve Marshall National Guard Bureau

ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 10, 2017 — Following an emergency declaration by California Gov. Jerry Brown, the state National Guard was mobilizing resources today to assist civil authorities in the battle against massive wildfires that have already killed 10 people.

Helicopters Dispatched

Today, when fires broke out and rapidly spread due to dry conditions, the California National Guard dispatched three medevac helicopters and 100 military police officers, National Guard Bureau officials said.

Wildfires Destroy Homes, Businesses

The fires, many in California's iconic Napa Valley wine country, have destroyed more than 1,500 homes and businesses, and there were reports that schools were reduced to ashes.
Several residents and visitors were forced to evacuate, some in the middle of the night, according to news reports.

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