Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Readout of Secretary Mattis' Call with Japan Minister of Defense Itsunori Onodera

Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White provided the following readout:

September 5, 2017

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis spoke today by telephone with Japanese Minister of Defense Itsunori Onodera to discuss North Korea's test of a nuclear device on September 2.  Secretary Mattis and Minister Onodera both condemned the test as a destabilizing provocation that threatens both regional and global security.  Secretary Mattis underscored that the United States' commitment to defend Japan, including the U.S. extended deterrence commitment, remains ironclad.  Secretary Mattis also underscored the United States would work with Japan to enhance its ballistic missile defense capabilities. Secretary Mattis and Minister Onodera confirmed their intent to continue working trilaterally with the Republic of Korea to strengthen deterrence and to maintain the peace and security of Northeast Asia.

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