Friday, September 08, 2017

Mattis Thanks Kuwaiti Leader for Strategic Partnership

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2017 — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Mohammed Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah discussed security matters of mutual concern during their meeting at the Pentagon yesterday, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said in a statement.

U.S.-Kuwait Partnership

White said Mattis expressed appreciation for the strategic partnership between the United States and Kuwait and thanked the minister for his nation's ongoing support in the fight to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, specifically Kuwait's willingness to host U.S. and coalition forces in support of military operations.

Close Security Cooperation

The two leaders also discussed their shared commitment to continue the two nations' close security cooperation during Mattis' leadership of the department, White said.‎

White said Mattis also discussed the state of relations among the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the importance of de-escalating tensions so all partners in the Persian Gulf region can focus on next steps in meeting common goals.

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