Saturday, November 21, 2015

NAVSUP WSS Host DASN (Acquisition and Procurement)

By Jenae Jackson, Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support Office of Corporate Communications

PHILADELPHIA (NNS) -- Mr. Elliott B. Branch, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for Acquisition and Procurement (DASN (AP)) recently visited NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) Philadelphia.

"We are honored to host Mr. Elliott Branch," said Rear Adm. Paul J. Verrastro, commander, NAVSUP WSS. "This is a terrific opportunity for the NAVSUP WSS workforce to hear directly from Mr. Branch and share their acquisition initiatives and successes."

During the visit, DASN (AP) received a comprehensive brief on NAVSUP WSS' maritime and aviation contracting accomplishments, innovative successes and current acquisition initiatives. DASN (AP) also took the opportunity to walk through the workspaces and personally meet some of NAVSUP WSS' contracting and supply professionals.

Later in the day, DASN (AP) took the time to address the NAVSUP FLC and NAVSUP WSS workforces, including Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania and Norfolk employees who participated via video teleconferencing.

DASN (AP) discussed the significance of both workforce's role in Navy acquisitions and his perspective on the challenges and opportunities that he foresees on the horizon, as the Navy's senior civilian responsible for acquisition and contract policy.

"NAVSUP WSS is an intricate part of our business and I'm amazed and impressed by your organization," said DASN (AP) in his closing remarks. "I just wanted to come here and personally say thank you, to each and every one of you, for all the great things you do in support of the warfighter."

The visit concluded with DASN (AP) opening up the floor for questions and giving NAVSUP WSS employees the opportunities to discuss peer reviews, negotiation techniques, and small business initiatives, among other topics.

A field activity of the Naval Supply Systems Command, NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) is the U.S. Navy's supply chain manager providing worldwide support to the aviation, surface ship, and submarine communities. NAVSUP WSS provides Navy, Marine Corps, joint and allied forces with products and services that deliver combat capability through logistics. There are more than 2,000 civilian and military personnel employed at its two Pennsylvania sites. The NAVSUP WSS Philadelphia site supports aircraft, while its Mechanicsburg site supports ships and submarines.

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