Monday, November 02, 2015

CPIP set to kick off for DCGS enterprise

by Staff
Air Combat Command Public Affairs

11/2/2015 - Joint Base Langley-Eustis -- The second iteration of Air Combat Command's Culture and Process Improvement Program, this time focusing on the Distributed Common Ground System enterprise, is set to begin at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Nov. 2.

The program will take the same grass-roots approach the recent MQ 1/9 CPIP, but is tailored towards the airmen and families who are part of the DCGS enterprise.

"It is incredibly important for us to look at the [DCGS] enterprise and the ways that we can fix it," said Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander of Air Combat Command.  "We have to figure out strategically what we are going to do in the future, as this is a long term capability for our Air Force.  We have to figure out how to build this enterprise and take care of these young men and women."

Leadership began by sending surveys to approximately 9,000 officer, enlisted, and civilian airmen in late October to help identify concerns and stress factors in the DCGS community.  Starting Nov. 6, three DCGS CPIP teams will travel to 12 bases beyond Joint Base Langley-Eustis to engage with airmen and their families and build upon the information discovered from the survey results.  The base visits will span the total force components.

The ultimate goals of these functional surveys and interview teams are to identify challenges, even those that may be difficult to define and address, and recommend solutions to senior Air Force leaders by mid-December.

The intent is to provide an opportunity for airmen to know their concerns and ideas are being heard at the highest levels and for senior leaders to take action to make meaningful, near-term improvements.

The CPIP teams are also hoping to hear responses from family members.  When the teams visit each of the bases, both airmen and family members will have an opportunity to voice their feedback through questionnaires and interviews.

In addition to surveys and interviews, the DCGS CPIP team created a Facebook page, where airmen and their families can get updates throughout the program, and have 24-hour access to the CPIP team.

The bases scheduled for visits are as follows:

- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia (Nov. 3-5)
- McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas (Nov. 7-8)
- Terre Haute, Indiana (Nov. 7-8)
- Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts (Nov. 7-8)
- Lackland Air Force Base, Texas (Nov. 10-11)
- Fort George G. Meade, Maryland (Nov. 10-12)
- Salt Lake City, Utah (Nov. 11-13)
- Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii (Nov. 13-16)
- Fort Gordon, Georgia (Nov. 14-17)
- Beale Air Force Base, California (Nov. 15-17)
- Hurlburt Field, Florida (Nov. 19-20)
- Ramstein Air Base, Germany (Nov. 19-21)
- Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea (Nov. 19-21)

After the CPIP teams leave each base, a staff contingent at Headquarters ACC will analyze the results and provide real-time feedback to the teams for improving the interview process.  Once all of the base visits are complete, the CPIP team will attempt to determine why certain indicators were reported in the data and interview process.

The findings and recommended solutions will be developed by DCGS unit members who are part of the DCGS CPIP team, representing their peers throughout the enterprise.  Based on what they learn through the course of their site visits and surveys, the members will then present their recommendations for improvement to senior Air Force leaders with equities in the DCGS enterprise.

"I'm looking forward to hearing the solutions and ideas that the team brings back," said Carlisle.  "I'm looking for innovative thought and new ways to look at things, as well as ideas that we can do to make it the enterprise that it needs to be for our Air Force in the future."

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