Monday, November 16, 2015

Airman convicted, sentenced during court-martial

by Air Force Global Strike Command Public Affairs

11/14/2015 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- A technical sergeant assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing was convicted in a trial by general court-martial that began on November 11, 2015 and concluded on November 14, 2015.

Tech. Sgt. Aaron Allmon was convicted of maltreating two junior female Airmen by making repeated verbal comments of a sexual nature and making a false statement to investigators.  He was found not guilty of sexually harassing a female civilian coworker, communicating threats to a coworker and junior Airman, and assaulting a female noncommissioned officer.  Sergeant Allmon chose to be tried by military judge alone, instead of a panel of officers or officer and enlisted members.  The presiding judge sentenced him to reduction to the grade of Staff Sergeant and 30 days confinement.

The core values of Integrity, Service, and Excellence are foundational to our Air Force.  We build on them by reinforcing and fostering a culture of dignity and respect where alleged victims are empowered to report crimes and those accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  In all cases and for all allegations, we respect the due process of law and ensure trials are fair and just.  In this case, the military judge determined Sergeant Allmon's guilt on two charges was proven beyond a reasonable doubt and found Sergeant Allmon not guilty on three charges.

The government and the defense each presented a full case, including the testimony of over 20 witnesses during the course of the weeklong trial. Sergeant Allmon was represented by civilian defense counsel he elected to retain as well as military defense counsel provided at no cost to him.  The trial occurred after an earlier investigative hearing, similar in some respects to a civilian grand jury hearing, that consolidated the charges for trial.

The case demonstrates the Air Force's commitment to tackling sexual harassment, which is on the continuum of harm that includes sexual assault. Each and every allegation is taken seriously, investigated fully, and adjudicated fairly, regardless of the gender, race, sexual orientation, or rank of the accused or accuser.  The Air Force also remains dedicated to a system of military justice that guarantees fundamental fairness to all, especially those accused of a crime, and ensures a disciplined Air Force committed to the mission of national security and defense.

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