Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Air Force testers cleared for Pegasus

by Daryl Mayer
88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

10/7/2015 - WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Now that Boeing has two aircraft -- one a 767-2C freighter and one a militarized KC-46A tanker -- in the air, the program expects flight testing will really get off the ground.

All told, the path forward is for flight testing to validate the aircraft meets performance requirements and achieves both FAA and military certification. Under the "Test Once" architecture, KC-46 will test systems once for both certifications.            

So, it was vitally important to get Air Force Developmental Test crews cleared to participate in flight testing.     

"Our EMD test program depends on an integrated effort between the Boeing and Air Force test teams. Strong teamwork has been a hallmark for this group, so I'm excited to see them execute flights as one joint crew," said Brig. Gen. Duke Z. Richardson, Program Executive Officer for Tankers at the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center.

The Air Force Test Center team can now work side-by-side with Boeing and FAA officials to put the aircraft through a gauntlet of evaluations methodically testing and validating systems perform as expected.

"These are exciting times because each flight progresses through its demonstration toward meeting the warfighter requirements. There is still a lot of work on the horizon, but our flight path is set," said Col. Christopher Coombs, KC-46 System Program Manager.

The Air Force contracted with Boeing in February 2011 to acquire 179 KC-46A refueling tankers to begin recapitalizing the aging tanker fleet. The program is currently working to meet the Required Assets Available date, a milestone requiring 18 KC-46A aircraft and all necessary support equipment to be on the ramp, ready to support warfighter needs by the August 2017.

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