Friday, August 07, 2015

Warfighter of the Week: Senior Airman Kyle Streets

by Tech. Sgt. Heather R. Redman
12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Public Affairs

8/6/2015 - DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB, Ariz.  -- Senior Airman Kyle Streets, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) personnel security manager, was recognized as the Warfighter of the Week, July 27, 2015.

Streets was born into a military lifestyle and by the time he graduated high school he already knew that he wanted to continue in his parents' footsteps. 

"Being an Army brat I knew how well the United States military takes care of their personnel and all of the opportunities that it could afford me in the future," said Streets. "I especially loved how the Air Force treats its members; for me there was no second option."

Since his enlistment three years ago, Streets has been working in the administration career field.

"Currently I coordinate personnel security issues with Defense Intelligence Agency, Headquarters USAF, Headquarters Air Combat Command, U.S. Southern Command, as well as the Air Force Adjudication Facility to monitor the status of over 1,300 sensitive information billets for 12th AF (AFSOUTH) and base-wide personnel," said Streets. "Without my job, 12th AF (AFSOUTH) wouldn't be able to handle the classified material needed to complete their day-to-day missions."

Street's supervisor believes that he is a model Airman who others should strive to emulate.

"Airman Streets is a great asset to the 12th AF (AFSOUTH) team," said Staff Sgt. Alicia Ekstrom, non-commissioned officer in charge of personnel security. "He is responsible for helping me manage the second largest personnel security section in ACC."

"He has done so much as an Airman 1st Class and developed so many amazing skills that I believe he is the standard that his peers should strive for. I nominated him for this opportunity to show him how much his work is appreciated," said Ekstrom.

From the age of six, Streets has dreamed of flying.  Joining the Air Force is the first step to seeing his dreams come true.

"I've always wanted to be a pilot," said Streets.  "When I was six my uncle taxied me around the hangar in his Cessna for my birthday, from then I knew I wanted to be in the sky. "I'm honored that I have the privilege of being called an American Airman. The Air Force provides so many opportunities for me to make my dreams come true."
By continuing his education, Streets plans on making his dreams of becoming a pilot come true.

"In five years, I see myself graduated from school with my bachelors and on my way to either Officer Training School or headed to Flight School," said Streets. "Not everybody gets to follow their dream in life, but I have the opportunity to make it happen thanks to the Air Force."

With his plan already laid out, there is nothing holding Streets back from reaching his personal and professional goals.

"I fully expect to see Airman Streets follow his dreams of becoming an officer and a pilot," Ekstrom said. "I see him following his dreams and making the Air Force a career.

Warfighter of the Week is an opportunity for the Airmen throughout 12th AF (AFSOUTH) to share their story. The Warfighter of the Week initiative aligns with the 12th AF (AFSOUTH) commander's priority of creating a work environment where someone knows you both professionally and personally. These outstanding Airmen are selected by their directors based on their contributions to the Air Force's mission.

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