Monday, August 17, 2015

Technological Advances in Military Getting Commercial Treatment

Technology has had a major impact on industries across the globe, but one particular area of industry that gets some impressive tech long before the private world gets a glimpse of its the military. Military applications of technology are as vast as they are impressive. Of course, it makes sense that providing the soldiers tasked with protecting lives cutting edge equipment to make the task easier and better. However, more and more of the military technology developed by companies is making its way into the private sector to be used for protection of commercial assets. While drones, smart weapons, and other offensive gear get regular highlights in video games, the area of safety and protection does not get enough credit.

Cable guardrails by Gibraltar are in regular use alongside roadways to keep potential threats at bay. Gibraltar also provides anti-ram vehicle barriers that can be used at jewelry stores, apartment buildings, chemical plants, and any facility in need of better protection. The available barriers can lift, lower, raise, or otherwise fold completely out of sight, only to be activated when called upon by the user. Since the barriers are rated for serious attacks or dangerous situations, they hold up to the most intense pressure. In short, the company provides anti-ram technology to keep vehicles out of a location. That technology was developed for military applications to protect checkpoints, borders, soldiers, and other valuable facilities.

Success in the military world is by no means a guarantee of success in the private sector, but the abuse and use the military puts equipment through serves as the ultimate product testimonial. After all if the military trusts protecting the lives of its soldiers to an anti-ram system built by Gibraltar, just about any facility in need of protection can trust that the product works effectively. Therefore, many technology companies struggle to produce military grade equipment. The importance of providing soldiers and peacekeepers with top of the line equipment that is built to the most rigid standards can propel a company into the future. When the product becomes ready for the private sector, many former personnel are familiar with the brand and already know the piece of equipment can be relied upon.
Safety applications are more likely to hit the commercial world than a drone. While the cost is a major factor, the real selling point is the versatility of the equipment. When workers, staff, and equipment need to be kept safe, a military grade product is the most logical choice. After all, nobody is better at keeping someone out of an area than a military force. While the strategy has a lot to do with it, the technology the military gets it a cut above.

In the end when safety and security are priorities, commercial companies turn to the advances set forward by the military. Most companies understand that cost and expense are investments in the safety of its workers. Employees enjoy the benefits of cutting edge technology that has previously been used for years in the military often without even knowing it. Military tech has a lot of applications that can be used in private business. Companies that enter that particular market understand the concept and rally to produce the type of equipment that can be relied upon when lives matter, which is also a core goal at any major corporate safety initiative.

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