Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Newest Joint High Speed Vessel USNS Carson City (JHSV 7) Keel Authenticated

From Team Ships Public Affairs

MOBILE, Ala. (NNS) -- The keel of the future USNS Carson City (JHSV 7) was authenticated during a ceremony at the Austal USA shipyard here today.

The keel was authenticated by the Mayor of Carson City, the Honorable Robert Crowell. By etching his initials into the keel plate, Crowell confirmed that the "keel" of the ship had been "truly and fairly laid." Today's ceremony serves to recognize the joining together of a ship's components, representing a major milestone in the ship's construction.

"We're honored to have Mayor Crowell of Carson City give life to the ship by authenticating its keel," said Capt. Henry Stevens, Strategic and Theater Sealift program manager, Program Executive Office, Ships. "This ship will fill a role critical to our maritime strategy, providing forward naval presence, and strengthening alliances and partnerships, and the keel laying is the first significant milestone in her journey."

Joint high speed vessels are versatile, non-combatant vessels designed to operate in shallow-draft ports and waterways, increasing operational flexibility for a wide range of activities including maneuver and sustainment, relief operations in small or damaged ports, flexible logistics support, or as the key enabler for rapid transport. They are capable of interfacing with roll-on/roll-off discharge facilities, as well as on/off-loading vehicles such as a fully combat-loaded Abrams Main Battle Tank.

JHSVs support a variety of missions including the overseas contingency operations, conducting humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, supporting special operations forces, and supporting emerging joint seabasing concepts.

JHSVs provide fast intra-theater transportation of troops, military vehicles and equipment. Each JHSV is capable of transporting 600 short tons 1,200 nautical miles at an average speed of 35 knots. Each vessel includes a flight deck to support day and night aircraft launch and recovery operations. Brunswick will have airline style seating for 312 embarked forces with fixed berthing for 104.

As one of the Defense Department's largest acquisition organizations, PEO Ships is responsible for executing the development and procurement of all destroyers, amphibious ships, special mission and support ships, and special warfare craft.

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