by Master Sgt. Patricia F. Moran
145th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
8/12/2015 - NEW LONDON, N.C. -- Airmen
from the 145th Regional Training Site and the 138th Civil Engineering
Squadron in Tulsa, Oklahoma, teamed up to participate in a 14 day
Deployment for Training at the 145th Regional Training Site here.
Deployment for Training (DFT) is a program that provides
contingency-type training for Airmen to build their civil engineering
specialties and give them invaluable hands-on training that cannot be
matched in a traditional drill weekend at home station.
With a heat index over 100 degrees, 31 Prime Base Emergency Engineering
Force civil engineers from the 138th poured concrete, sweat and more
than 4,000 hours of hard work into several construction projects. During
their two weeks in North Carolina, the 138th completed the exterior
shell of a 2,400 square foot services support building and started
construction on the interior walls. In the future, this building will
house the site's fitness center, washers and dryers, and linen storage.
During this DFT, the team also worked diligently to construct 100 linear
feet of concrete sidewalk and install electrical service to the fire
training warehouse.
Classroom training was accomplished as well, with two electrical power
production Airmen receiving their certification on all areas of the
Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS). This course is essential in
order to be able to recover aircraft in all situations in remote austere
"It is hard to find construction jobs where you can employ most trades,"
said Master Sgt. Ronald Helms, Jr., 145th RTS heavy equipment
supervisor. "That is why the DFT program is so vital."
"The Deployment for Training program gives Airmen in the civil
engineering community the opportunity to work side-by-side with other
National Guard, Reserve and active duty units," said Lt. Col. Tim Moran,
deputy commander and project engineer for the 145th Civil Engineer
"You learn each other's strengths and weaknesses so that when you
deploy, you've already established a tempo for getting the job done."
said Moran
"As a commander or supervisor, when you get the tasking to deploy, you
know the best people to assign to a certain job so you're ready to get
the job done the minute you have boots on the ground," stated Moran.
The 145th Regional Training site, one of only four in the nation, serves
a wide range of customers from all branches of the military, including
active, Guard and Reserve, as well as international forces, federal and
state law agencies and others. The site and personnel are committed to
and capable of supporting both federal and state missions.
As a result of the increase in training there has been a need for new
amenities as well as upgrading existing facilities. Having quality
facilities and accommodations is important in order to provide quality
training opportunities for these units and individuals. The members of
the 145th CES continually search for new ways to improve existing
facilities, create new training areas and construct buildings to better
support the needs of their customers.
According to a recent memo by Chief, National Guard Bureau, Gen. Frank
J. Grass, Air National Guard civil engineers will be tasked to support
enduring missions around the world for fiscal year 2016 and beyond.
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