Wednesday, July 01, 2015

U.S. Sailors Participate in Romanian Enlistment Ceremony

By Lt. Cmdr. Mike Billips, Naval Support Facility Deveselu Public Affairs

CARACAL, Romania (NNS) -- U.S. Navy Sailors stationed at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Deveselu, Romania, participated in a oath-of-enlistment ceremony for the Romanian Army in the nearby city of Caracal, June 19.

Several hundred new service members were sworn in after completing a four-month course of instruction, according to Captain-Commander Razvan Bratulescu, chief of staff for the Romanian 99th Military Base, which is co-located with NSF Deveselu on a former MiG fighter base.

Capt. William Garren, NSF Deveselu commanding officer, was among the reviewing officials for the ceremony, accompanied by a combined honor guard from NSF Deveselu, its principal tenant command Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System Romania, and the 99th Military Base. Garren said the ceremony and pass-in-review by the 1st Instructional Battalion "Olt" reminded him of his own boot-camp graduation in 1977 in Orlando, Florida.

"I realized that their enlistments are not much different from ours," Garren said.

U.S. and Romanian military members from the Deveslu base have participated together in several military and civil ceremonies since NSF Deveselu was established in October 2014. In addition to securing the outer security perimeter of the base, the 99th acts as a liaison to other Romanian military units for the U.S. base.

NSF Deveselu is home to an Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System tenant command. Aegis Ashore is a land-based version of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System currently deployed on U.S. Navy ships, but deploys the SM-3 missile only.

When completed, about 200 U.S. military, government employees and contractors will work on the base located in south-central Romania's Olt County.

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